Monday, August 07, 2006

Rumors, they are among us

Last week, I met with the Principal at my daughter's school. I'm the PTSO President this year and I wanted to sit down with him to have a face to face. I wanted to know what was/is expected of me and what he hopes to accomplish this year.

Basically, I found out that he wants to phase out the end of year promotion (kinda like a graduation), he also doesn't seem too keen on having a PTSO in the first place. Sheesh, it sounds like this is NOT going to be fun. LOL

While discussing the promotion, he asked me about my planned benefit. I gave him a generic blank stare and asked him if he meant fund raiser, I was thinking candy bars or wrapping paper or T-shirts, something simple and mundane (yes, something right up my alley). He said something to the effect of sure, whatever you wanna call it...... Then he said Rascal Flatts. Again me with the blank look. I'm thinking hey, he knows Rascal Flatts! WOO HOO! Awesome, he's helping me on my first year, this is going to be GREAT!!!!!!! Then he proceeds to tell me that I knew someone from Rascal Flatts and was going to have them do a benefit to fund the promotion. Hot damn, I. Am. Good. So, as soon as I picked my chin off the ground I told him I didn't know anyone from Rascal Flatts, I could not spin straw into gold, sqeeze blood out of turnips nor could monkeys fly outta my ass.

Amazing...... I love rumors.


Queen Of Cheese said...

Call me! I have a GREAT fundraiser idea!!!!!

I know Garth Brooks! Just kidding!!!! But I do know where his house is on the lake but I doubt that makes us buddies!

Queen Of Cheese said...

Call me! I have a GREAT fundraiser idea!!!!!

I know Garth Brooks! Just kidding!!!! But I do know where his house is on the lake but I doubt that makes us buddies!

~ A P R I L ~ said...

Mrs. Coach it doesn't matter how many times you say it, it's still not true. LOL

MamaKBear said...

LOL I wish I knew Garth Brooks! Or even Trace Adkins!! * self*

Gotta love rumors...