Thursday, December 28, 2006

The party is over......

It's Wednesday, oh, wait, Thursday, and I'm just whooooooooooooped. Tuesday I crapped out and didn't get my final pajamarama picture taken even though I had on 3 separate pairs of pajamas! Really! I slept in one pair, got up and went to Wal-Mart for some clearance crap, came home, showered, put on a fresh pair, went to Joplin for more clearance crap, came home, ate dinner (I think) and then changed into another pair of the warm fuzzy little pants.

I didn't really get much along the lines of Christmas clearance, but Bob found a shit load of duck decoys and stuff. That's good, I guess, whatever makes him happy.

Yesterday was sheer hell for my poor, goofy mother. She has spent all year making it to work on time, never missing a single day, never leaving early...... But yesterday, on her way to work she was pulled over for speeding, going 77 in a 60, she was passing some blue haired gummer who didn't have to be at work. Needless to say she got busted and has a $137 ticket to pay. The officer who pulled her over took his sweeeeeeet time and she was 2 minutes late for work, now she'll lose her perfect attendance bonus and all the goodies that come with it. She also lost her driver's license, not lost as in confiscated for speeding, but lost as in he gave it back but now she can't find it. Well after three frantic phone calls from me trying to calm her down she calls me back saying she did find it, she wasn't going to have to take off work again to get a replacement driver's license. Super! There is hope yet!

Today I got an email from my eldest half sister. We didn't hook up at Christmas and now we both feel guilty. She has other siblings who live near me so she comes down a lot. I think I've gone to St. Louis three times in the past dozen or so years and it's just not right of me to put all the driving onto her. She's had a pretty rough year this year and she really needs a lot of support. She lost her mom and that has been traumatic for her. She also spent the majority of the year pregnant and that is just difficult no matter what but she was high risk because of her age and other concerns. Luckily, all is good now though. When she did have her second child, a son, he had some health concerns but I think all is good now. One thing you can deal with, but when you start adding up one thing on top of another it's overwhelming and I should have been more supportive. I'm a sucky sister........

Before I go, here's a blonde joke.

A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?" "HELLLOOOOOOO......," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"

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