Thursday, December 21, 2006

I have the best...

Friend!!!!!!!!!! My friend Cruella mailed me the bestestestest Christmas package this week! She sent me FOUR pair of the mosty comfortable flannel pajamamama bottoms! For those of you keeping count, I now have 5 pair of flannels and 2 fleece! I'm not getting dressed all holiday weekend! She also sent me GREY'S ANATOMY SEASON 2!!!!!!!! WOO HOO! YIPPEEEEEE! And if that wasn't enough, there was the most adorable little beanie baby and a fabulous holstien cow that just melts your heart! She and the ol' Coyote really outdid themselves this year which brings me to my next I have the best...

BOSSES!!!!!!!! My bosses (and the first bitch) have decided to close our office at noon tomorrow and close both Monday and Friday. Since I was originally told I'd have Friday off though I STILL GET IT OFF! WOO HOO! So I have 5 days off for Christmas, three of which are p.a.i.d. That fucking rocks!

So, I sit here, ready to leave for the extended holiday weekend with optimism and blessings in my heart. Merry Christmas y'all!

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