Sunday, December 03, 2006

I see icy everything!

It's been days and the snow is still here, yippee! I'm so glad. I have figured out why we got this wonderfully beautiful treat though, it's 'cause Bob and I bought new windows to put into our house. Yes, you can blame (or credit, depending on how you look at it) me for this wonderful weather.

Oh, before I forget, my chicken and noodles Friday freakin' ROCKED! They were sooooooooooo amazingly good. If you could have scratch and eat internet I'd show you but damn they were great.

Back to my extended weekend....... I was off (WITH PAY!) Thursday (afternoon) and Friday and really enjoyed the down time. MWH and Bob are both sniffling and snotting but life goes on. Bob came home early from work Friday but we still didn't do much, just ran to Wal-Mart to do the socializing thing. LOL You know you live in Podunk when you go to Wal-Mart just to socialize. So sad....

Saturday though was a different story. Saturday Bob decided to load us all up and head to Tulsa. Yes, Tulsa. The roads were still icy but dammit my Jeep is four wheel drive and no amount of snow or ice is gonna keep us from a gun show. Yeah, he's a complete redneck. He's been wanting a Benelli shot gun (12 guage I think) for duck and turkey hunting, I guess his Mossberg isn't cutting it anymore. We went to the gun show and found nothing, they had some reloading things but with the weather there was no competition so the prices were outrageous. After the gun show we went to Old Navy to return the sleep pants I had bought that were too big for me. I tried on some XL's and they were too big too! WOO HOO! I didn't care for the fit though so I just got MWH a pair of them and decided I'd get some cheapies from Wal-Mart. I've got them on now and DAMN they are wonderful. You know I never had 'jama bottoms before so this is a real treat. It's been 13 plus years since I've been this small, I'm so happy! After Old Navy we hopped on the Broken Arrow Expressway and went to Bass Pro in search of the elusive Benelli. Ok, I didn't give a flying fuck about the Benelli but they have a Starbucks in there and that was all I needed to hear. LOL Plus, I decided I was going to get a camo crockpot while I was there too. So Bob did get his gun, not in the black like he wanted but in a kewl camo pattern and I got my Starbucks and the camo crockpot. I even got it at the sale price from Black Friday so that totally rocked! YIPPEE! I love a good deal.

Today we didn't do a whole lot, just watched a lot of Lifetime Movie Network, read the Sunday papers, bought groceries, cooked a pot roast (soooooo good) and piddled around. I took a 4 hour nap and went to High Winds for my Sunday freeplay. Now I'm sitting here on my laptop, in my 'jamas talkin' on Yahoo Messenger to my good ol' friend Cruella. Yep, life is goooooooood.

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