Saturday, December 23, 2006

More Saturday

Today we had Christmas with my mom. Yes, she's gone back home and all is well now. She'd been here since Wednesday evening, and yes, I had wine. All in all we had a good visit. She's so funny to be around sometimes, she says the silliest but oddest things.... I do think she had a good time though, that's all that matters.

She gave MWH a ton of clothes, as if the kid needed any more, a Phantom Stallion book and some DVD's (Benny and Joon!!). There were a few other little trinky dinks in there too but honestly I was too busy trying to figure out what was in one of my packages to see what MWH got. LOL She also gave her a nice sized wad of cold, hard cash. Now, to a 13 year old, that is amazing. Bob got a reciprocating saw that he's had his eyes on for some time (I tipped her on to that find) and some clothes and more cold, hard cash. I got some nice Isotoner black, leather gloves, a pizza peel, a stainless steel collander, clothes (God knows I need them with as much weight as I've lost) and exactly what I wanted, a hot/cold water dispenser! WOO HOO! I also got some pocket money to spend too. My mom rocks!!

All afternoon we did the kitchen thang. We slow simmered a chicken to make my world's famous chicken and noodles and we made FOUR batches of my fantastic fast fudge too. Two batches of peanut butter and two batches of chocolate peanut butter. I have a stand mixer and wow, that thing is incredible when it comes to making fudge! It really makes it extra creamy and so decadent! Yummmmmmmm.

I'm sitting here now, drinking some wine, and I'm a bit toasted. It's hard to type.... I bought some white zinfandel wine that came in little tiny bottles that is equivalent to 1 glass and I'm thinking that one glass may be too much for me now. LOL Oh well, I'm feelin' fine, just fine......

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