DRESS CODE - It is advised that you come to work dressed accordingly to your salary. If we see you wearing $350 Prada sneakers and carrying a $600 Gucci bag we will assume you are doing well financially and therefore you do not need a raise. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better so that you may buy nicer clothes and therefore you do not need a raise. If you dress in-between, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.
SICK DAYS - We will no longer accept a doctor statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.
SURGERY - Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider removing anything. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of contract.
PERSONAL DAYS - Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday and Sunday.
VACATION DAYS - All employees will take their vacation at the same time every year. The vacation days are Janaury 1st, July 4th and December 25th.
ABSENCE DUE TO YOUR OWN DEATH - This will be accepted as an excuse, however, we require at least two weeks notice as it is your responsibility to train your own replacement.
RESTROOM USE - In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance, all employees whose names begin with "A" will go from 8:00 to 8:20, employees whose names begin with "B" will go from 8:20 to 8:40 and so on. If you are unable to go at your allotted time, it will be necessary to wait until the n ext day when your turn comes again. In extreme emergencies, employees may swap their time with a co-worker. Both employee's supervisor(s) must approve this exchange in writing. In addition, there is now a strict three (3) minute time limit in the stalls. At the end of three minutes an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door will open and a picture will be taken. After your second offense, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders" category.
LUNCH BREAK - Skinny people will get 30 minutes lunch as they need to eat more so that they can look healthy. Normal sized people will get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure. Fat people will get 5 minutes for lunch because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim Fast and take a diet pill.
I'm a busy woman. I'm a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend to so many. I work full time, I have a life of my own that I'm just not living anymore. I feel like I am drowning at times. People always ask me to do things and I usually do them, but first..... I'm stopping. I'm saying no. Hell no. I'm putting ME first now, so let's get started on the ME, oh, wait, but first.....
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Weekend Update (sans Tina Fey)
This weekend has just been classic. So good.
Friday night I went to Wal-Mart and bought some new plants for my yard. I kinda figured that if Wal-Mart hadn't killed them, they were some good stock. LOL For years, I have had a black thumb. I still believe my thumbs will both rot off at the proximal joint someday but in the mean time I'm trying to learn to garden. Trying...
I actually had a "idiot encounter" while there and good grief was it annoying! I am telling you Wal-Mart is seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel, some of the people who work there are just dumber than shit. Notice how I said some not all, there are a few people who can count back change and actually do their job, but they are a few and far between treat. Believe it or not, I do have friends who work there and the stories they tell me are simply unbelievable!!
So, I'm in lawn and garden checking out and three fairly young people are working the register, I guess that should have been my first "idiot" clue. The cashier boy is ringing me up and I tell him I have 5 $3 clearance plants. I ask him if he wants to shoot one or all of them? Does he want me to hand them to him one at a time or does he want to bring his price gun around and shoot them in the basket? He wants them handed to him, one at a time, because he's too lazy to walk around the counter and do his job. So, I hand them to him one at a time so he can scan each plant, the register showed 1 @ 3.00, then 2 @ 3.00, then 3 @ 3.00 and so on, he could have just hit the enter button but no, I still had to hand him the other two plants. So, he finishes scanning my clearance plants, dirt is everywhere, the line is backed up because he's so... freakin... slow... FINALLY he hits total, $18.** and I tell him $20 over please as I hand him my check, he looks me straight in the eye and smiles, takes my check and runs it through. He finishes and shows it to me and it was NOT for $20 over. UGH! I told him, wait, we can fix this....... then I realize that you can't just say no, that the check didn't print right, not since they switched over to the EFT / EBT system (or whatever the hell it is now). So, basically, I'm pissed because this kid looked me straight in the eye as I asked him for $20 over and he ignored me. S.T.U.P.I.D. I went off on this kid, telling him he should LISTEN, that his hears are not there to give his face balance. Lemme tell you, this isn't the first or second time this has happened in the past week, this was the THIRD time in one freakin' week! ANNOYING! I don't carry cash, if I want cash, I go to Wal-Mart and buy what I'm out of (cause I'm always out of something) and get a little extra cash to boot, I've done this for 17 years, I've never had a problem with it until this week. I went back today and bought groceries and basically screamed at the woman cashier that I wanted $20 cash back and made her say the amount out loud to me. LOL Damn, I'm bossy......... LOL
Honestly, I'm not trying to be mean to Wal-Mart employees, er um, associates. Hell, I've worked at two or three Wal-Mart stores in my past and I may have to go back to that kind of work someday, but dammit, pull your head out of your ass and listen!! I'm not a mealy mouthed quiet person, I'm pretty loud and taller than the little check book stand and I'm fairly wide (even still) so I know they see me. IDIOTS! UGH!
So, annoyed from the idiot at Wal-mart, I went home with my cheap plants ready to plant and test that black thumb of mine. Saturday I spent the majority of the day out in the yard. I dug around in the dirt, watered, raked, got mud in my eyes, ears and other unmentionable orifices. I sprayed water on the broken earth, on the new grass seeds, on the budding new plants and all over myself (and unsuspecting family members) on more than one occasion. I raked leaves and fallen branches and ant hills to clear a path to my rose bush I am trying to decide what to do with. I spent the day outside in my yard. I can not say that is something I've ever done before. Wow, it's amazing what losing weight will make you do. LOL
We took a break to go out to the Amish store, Bob wanted some pickled green tomatoes. It was really a nice day for a drive, we drove down some back roads and took a different route heading back and it was just so nice and peaceful. I've really slowed down a lot lately, found an inner peace (as long as I can stay out of Wal-Mart LOL) and I just can't really believe the change in myself. After we got home, a friend called and brought me some new skinny clothes, I can't wear them yet, but it'll be nice when I can, considering I have none that size! Friends, wow, it's so nice to be thought of like that.
Sunday I slept in and read my papers and cooked pancakes for the family. We bought groceries, did laundry, watched Food Network, did dishes, relaxed. MWH and I went to the pool later this afternoon and met up with some friends and I hardly got wet, my friend and I just sat and talked the whole time, it's been so long since I've done that, so nice. I am so blessed to have such good friends who care so much about me.
So routine, so refreshing, so family. I think I could get used to this.
Friday night I went to Wal-Mart and bought some new plants for my yard. I kinda figured that if Wal-Mart hadn't killed them, they were some good stock. LOL For years, I have had a black thumb. I still believe my thumbs will both rot off at the proximal joint someday but in the mean time I'm trying to learn to garden. Trying...
I actually had a "idiot encounter" while there and good grief was it annoying! I am telling you Wal-Mart is seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel, some of the people who work there are just dumber than shit. Notice how I said some not all, there are a few people who can count back change and actually do their job, but they are a few and far between treat. Believe it or not, I do have friends who work there and the stories they tell me are simply unbelievable!!
So, I'm in lawn and garden checking out and three fairly young people are working the register, I guess that should have been my first "idiot" clue. The cashier boy is ringing me up and I tell him I have 5 $3 clearance plants. I ask him if he wants to shoot one or all of them? Does he want me to hand them to him one at a time or does he want to bring his price gun around and shoot them in the basket? He wants them handed to him, one at a time, because he's too lazy to walk around the counter and do his job. So, I hand them to him one at a time so he can scan each plant, the register showed 1 @ 3.00, then 2 @ 3.00, then 3 @ 3.00 and so on, he could have just hit the enter button but no, I still had to hand him the other two plants. So, he finishes scanning my clearance plants, dirt is everywhere, the line is backed up because he's so... freakin... slow... FINALLY he hits total, $18.** and I tell him $20 over please as I hand him my check, he looks me straight in the eye and smiles, takes my check and runs it through. He finishes and shows it to me and it was NOT for $20 over. UGH! I told him, wait, we can fix this....... then I realize that you can't just say no, that the check didn't print right, not since they switched over to the EFT / EBT system (or whatever the hell it is now). So, basically, I'm pissed because this kid looked me straight in the eye as I asked him for $20 over and he ignored me. S.T.U.P.I.D. I went off on this kid, telling him he should LISTEN, that his hears are not there to give his face balance. Lemme tell you, this isn't the first or second time this has happened in the past week, this was the THIRD time in one freakin' week! ANNOYING! I don't carry cash, if I want cash, I go to Wal-Mart and buy what I'm out of (cause I'm always out of something) and get a little extra cash to boot, I've done this for 17 years, I've never had a problem with it until this week. I went back today and bought groceries and basically screamed at the woman cashier that I wanted $20 cash back and made her say the amount out loud to me. LOL Damn, I'm bossy......... LOL
Honestly, I'm not trying to be mean to Wal-Mart employees, er um, associates. Hell, I've worked at two or three Wal-Mart stores in my past and I may have to go back to that kind of work someday, but dammit, pull your head out of your ass and listen!! I'm not a mealy mouthed quiet person, I'm pretty loud and taller than the little check book stand and I'm fairly wide (even still) so I know they see me. IDIOTS! UGH!
So, annoyed from the idiot at Wal-mart, I went home with my cheap plants ready to plant and test that black thumb of mine. Saturday I spent the majority of the day out in the yard. I dug around in the dirt, watered, raked, got mud in my eyes, ears and other unmentionable orifices. I sprayed water on the broken earth, on the new grass seeds, on the budding new plants and all over myself (and unsuspecting family members) on more than one occasion. I raked leaves and fallen branches and ant hills to clear a path to my rose bush I am trying to decide what to do with. I spent the day outside in my yard. I can not say that is something I've ever done before. Wow, it's amazing what losing weight will make you do. LOL
We took a break to go out to the Amish store, Bob wanted some pickled green tomatoes. It was really a nice day for a drive, we drove down some back roads and took a different route heading back and it was just so nice and peaceful. I've really slowed down a lot lately, found an inner peace (as long as I can stay out of Wal-Mart LOL) and I just can't really believe the change in myself. After we got home, a friend called and brought me some new skinny clothes, I can't wear them yet, but it'll be nice when I can, considering I have none that size! Friends, wow, it's so nice to be thought of like that.
Sunday I slept in and read my papers and cooked pancakes for the family. We bought groceries, did laundry, watched Food Network, did dishes, relaxed. MWH and I went to the pool later this afternoon and met up with some friends and I hardly got wet, my friend and I just sat and talked the whole time, it's been so long since I've done that, so nice. I am so blessed to have such good friends who care so much about me.
So routine, so refreshing, so family. I think I could get used to this.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
5 Things
5 Things always in my purse:
1. My keys!!
2. Carmex or Blistex or other yummy lip moisturizer
3. Gas reciepts with miles/gallon scribbled on them
4. MY cell phone
5. MWH's cell phone (ok, not always, but often)
(notice how I didn't include MONEY? hahaha)
5 Things always in my wallet:
1. Driver's license
2. ATM/Debit card
3. My check books
4. A poem I wrote in high school
5. A lucky coin I've had for freakin' ever
5 Things always in my refrigerator:
1. Bottled water
2. Beer
3. Move Over Butter
4. Real butter
5. Cheese
5 Things always in my closet:
1. Storage boxes full of Beanie Babies, Beanie Buddies and TBB's
2. Jeans that are too BIG
3. Blankets and sheets
4. Empty hangers (I've cleaned my closet twice this past year!)
5. Wrapping paper and gift wrapping notions
5 Things always in my car:
1. Pikepass
2. Cell phone car charger
3. Insurance verification
4. First aid kit
5. PTSO box
5 Things always on my desk:
(at work)
1. Post-it notes
2. Too many pens
3. Files, files and more files
4. Quill brand white-out (the Tomboi type, not the wet kind)
5. Paperclips
5 People to tag:
Sorry, this is where it ends, if you wanna do it, do it.
1. My keys!!
2. Carmex or Blistex or other yummy lip moisturizer
3. Gas reciepts with miles/gallon scribbled on them
4. MY cell phone
5. MWH's cell phone (ok, not always, but often)
(notice how I didn't include MONEY? hahaha)
5 Things always in my wallet:
1. Driver's license
2. ATM/Debit card
3. My check books
4. A poem I wrote in high school
5. A lucky coin I've had for freakin' ever
5 Things always in my refrigerator:
1. Bottled water
2. Beer
3. Move Over Butter
4. Real butter
5. Cheese
5 Things always in my closet:
1. Storage boxes full of Beanie Babies, Beanie Buddies and TBB's
2. Jeans that are too BIG
3. Blankets and sheets
4. Empty hangers (I've cleaned my closet twice this past year!)
5. Wrapping paper and gift wrapping notions
5 Things always in my car:
1. Pikepass
2. Cell phone car charger
3. Insurance verification
4. First aid kit
5. PTSO box
5 Things always on my desk:
(at work)
1. Post-it notes
2. Too many pens
3. Files, files and more files
4. Quill brand white-out (the Tomboi type, not the wet kind)
5. Paperclips
5 People to tag:
Sorry, this is where it ends, if you wanna do it, do it.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Templates and Tantrums
Do NOT ask me why, but I haven't been able to post for days. Blogger has been booting me off each time I sign in! WEIRD! I could write my post, but I couldn't publish, so I've been typing and saving as a draft.
I really don't know much about Blogger and I don't know that I have time to learn, I wish there were a class at Vo-Tech or something. LOL I love to go to "next blog" and see others templates and get ideas but then I don't know how to do them. Yeah, I'm a copier, I rarely have an original thought (considering I don't know anything about Blogger I guess that's ok), but when I do they are dandies, lemme tell ya! Actually, a lot of what I've copied is on other sites that I go to so I guess I'm copied too. Flatery? Methinks so.
I've found a few blog templates that I like so hopefully this weekend I can sit down and play with them. Maybe.....
Bob is taking my Jeep in the morning to get my tire fixed. I ruined a tire last weekend and luckily I have road hazard so it's not an issue. He's so good to me sometimes.
Work is great, it's so busy but I LOVE it! My day goes so fast, poof, it's over before I even realized it began.
I've lost three or four more pounds, so exciting! I can't believe the "skinny" pants I can get into now! I am so glad I did the surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know there were a few more things I wanted to discuss but I will post more later, I'm not sure if Blogger will let me publish yet or not.
I really don't know much about Blogger and I don't know that I have time to learn, I wish there were a class at Vo-Tech or something. LOL I love to go to "next blog" and see others templates and get ideas but then I don't know how to do them. Yeah, I'm a copier, I rarely have an original thought (considering I don't know anything about Blogger I guess that's ok), but when I do they are dandies, lemme tell ya! Actually, a lot of what I've copied is on other sites that I go to so I guess I'm copied too. Flatery? Methinks so.
I've found a few blog templates that I like so hopefully this weekend I can sit down and play with them. Maybe.....
Bob is taking my Jeep in the morning to get my tire fixed. I ruined a tire last weekend and luckily I have road hazard so it's not an issue. He's so good to me sometimes.
Work is great, it's so busy but I LOVE it! My day goes so fast, poof, it's over before I even realized it began.
I've lost three or four more pounds, so exciting! I can't believe the "skinny" pants I can get into now! I am so glad I did the surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know there were a few more things I wanted to discuss but I will post more later, I'm not sure if Blogger will let me publish yet or not.
Oklahoma will never be the same...
Survivor winner #1, Richard Hatch, is gracing our lovely state with his presence. It seems he's going to be enjoying our local hospitality in the Oklahoma City federal prison. For more info on this freak, read here.
Honestly, I think he'll fit in with the other inmates quite nicely, not to mention his love of parading around in his nekkid glory (and homosexuality) may just come in handy!
Honestly, I think he'll fit in with the other inmates quite nicely, not to mention his love of parading around in his nekkid glory (and homosexuality) may just come in handy!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Oh joy, my baby girl is home!
Miss Whineyhiney has been at Girl Scout camp all week and wow have I missed her! She went to "Saddle Up" and really had a great time. Her legs are covered in skeeter bites and her tan has faded a bit, she got a giant tick in her hair and didn't freak about it, they just pulled it out, she is so excited about getting to ride the horses! She stayed in the Talahi camp site and didn't know any of the other girls there in that unit, but she made friends and got email addresses and took tons of pictures. She's already written three snail mail letters to her friends/counselors!
I'm just glad that she's home.
Last week was really wild and I was absolutely ready to do nothing this weekend and that is pretty much exactly what I did.
Saturday I hit a few garage sales, got a couple pair of pants (thanks Brady's Mom!!), ran into a few old high school friends who coldn't stop gushing about how good I look, ok, the guys said "hot", yes, I damn near fell over after that word, bought a pot rack for my kitchen, I've been eyeballing those online for a few months, and I even found MWH a few shirts for the fall. Bob got the neighbor boys yard cleaned up, ours still looks like hell, but he'll get it this weekend. I slept most of Saturday afternoon away, I just wasn't feeling right, but Saturday night we went to a party down in Grove and had a blast, Karaoke, alcohol and good people, can't beat that. There is another cook out next weekend, I can't WAIT for that!
All I did Sunday was buy groceries and do a little laundry. I really had something wrong Sunday, major headache, sore neck, backache, runny nose, dry heaves......... By 9:00 I was in tears the pain in my head was so bad. I went to bed fully dressed, I couldn't even take my clothes off nevermind putting pajamas on.
My sister in St. Louis (actually the Illinois side) had two tornados go through her area, her power's been out for a week, that's gotta suck. She's pregnant and has a 3 year old to boot, her hubby is an electrician and he puts in the hours, she's alone so much, her mom is down here and has COPD, probably won't make it through the end of the year, I wish I were closer........ I suck at being a good sister, I should drop everything and go help her.
This week looks promising, busy, but promising!
I'm just glad that she's home.
Last week was really wild and I was absolutely ready to do nothing this weekend and that is pretty much exactly what I did.
Saturday I hit a few garage sales, got a couple pair of pants (thanks Brady's Mom!!), ran into a few old high school friends who coldn't stop gushing about how good I look, ok, the guys said "hot", yes, I damn near fell over after that word, bought a pot rack for my kitchen, I've been eyeballing those online for a few months, and I even found MWH a few shirts for the fall. Bob got the neighbor boys yard cleaned up, ours still looks like hell, but he'll get it this weekend. I slept most of Saturday afternoon away, I just wasn't feeling right, but Saturday night we went to a party down in Grove and had a blast, Karaoke, alcohol and good people, can't beat that. There is another cook out next weekend, I can't WAIT for that!
All I did Sunday was buy groceries and do a little laundry. I really had something wrong Sunday, major headache, sore neck, backache, runny nose, dry heaves......... By 9:00 I was in tears the pain in my head was so bad. I went to bed fully dressed, I couldn't even take my clothes off nevermind putting pajamas on.
My sister in St. Louis (actually the Illinois side) had two tornados go through her area, her power's been out for a week, that's gotta suck. She's pregnant and has a 3 year old to boot, her hubby is an electrician and he puts in the hours, she's alone so much, her mom is down here and has COPD, probably won't make it through the end of the year, I wish I were closer........ I suck at being a good sister, I should drop everything and go help her.
This week looks promising, busy, but promising!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
*** yawn ***
It's Thursday and I. Am. Beat. Stick a fork in me, boys, cause I am done. I'm so tired I can barely keep ... from ... dozing ... off ...
I don't really know why I'm so tired, I'm in bed at a decent hour, maybe it's the heat? Maybe it's all the running this week? Maybe it's all the emotional roller coasters I've been on this week? DRAMA. Damn I wish I could bottle that and give it away for Christmas!
We've received the "official" word from State Farm, the tree is NOT our fault, our insurance is not covering it, it falls (literally) on Mr. Mustang's Progressive policy. It appears Mr. Mustang is a bit of a hot head and the car wasn't even in his name, it was in his dad's or someone's so they are totally pissed. Mr. Mustang was at the casino last night just glaring at Bob, if looks could kill I'd be collecting on his life insurance. Mr. Mustang's dad is talkin' smack to our insurance, saying things like "the tree was rotten three feet up the trunk" and "State Farm has already been here, they've already told me they're covering it". Yes, there was/is rot three feet up the trunk INSIDE, but, if you're not an arborist or have X-ray vision then there isn't any way to freakin' tell the tree is rotting from the inside out!
Smack, smack, smack. Dish it out babe, I can take it.
Bob's windshield is supposed to be fixed today or tomorrow, no idea really, that's a whole other drama session right there. I am walking away from that situation entirely, I don't have the patience to deal with it.
My Jeeeeeeeeeep rocks, I love it. I love driving it, I love sitting in it, I love how it goes over dips and rail road tracks and bumpy roads. I love how it handles and how it just glides.
I miss Mrs. Coach, she's in Texas suffering from a sad case of the poops. That's gotta suck, no kids, no men, just open air and, oops, gotta poop! LOL
I don't really know why I'm so tired, I'm in bed at a decent hour, maybe it's the heat? Maybe it's all the running this week? Maybe it's all the emotional roller coasters I've been on this week? DRAMA. Damn I wish I could bottle that and give it away for Christmas!
We've received the "official" word from State Farm, the tree is NOT our fault, our insurance is not covering it, it falls (literally) on Mr. Mustang's Progressive policy. It appears Mr. Mustang is a bit of a hot head and the car wasn't even in his name, it was in his dad's or someone's so they are totally pissed. Mr. Mustang was at the casino last night just glaring at Bob, if looks could kill I'd be collecting on his life insurance. Mr. Mustang's dad is talkin' smack to our insurance, saying things like "the tree was rotten three feet up the trunk" and "State Farm has already been here, they've already told me they're covering it". Yes, there was/is rot three feet up the trunk INSIDE, but, if you're not an arborist or have X-ray vision then there isn't any way to freakin' tell the tree is rotting from the inside out!
Smack, smack, smack. Dish it out babe, I can take it.
Bob's windshield is supposed to be fixed today or tomorrow, no idea really, that's a whole other drama session right there. I am walking away from that situation entirely, I don't have the patience to deal with it.
My Jeeeeeeeeeep rocks, I love it. I love driving it, I love sitting in it, I love how it goes over dips and rail road tracks and bumpy roads. I love how it handles and how it just glides.
I miss Mrs. Coach, she's in Texas suffering from a sad case of the poops. That's gotta suck, no kids, no men, just open air and, oops, gotta poop! LOL
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I'm here and I'm not going anywhere
How do you tell who your friends are? Who can you trust? Why should you even bother after you've been hurt so many times?
I've heard through the grapevine that a former friend of mine is "worried" about me, she's " so very sorry for what she did", she's "just heartbroken that I'm not her friend anymore", she's "over it".
What do I do? Do I just wash my hands again and welcome her back into my realm? Why am I hearing this from a third party? I've not changed my email address, cell phone or house phone numbers and I haven't moved. My general routine is still the same. The only things that have changed are my job (I'm still in town) and my blog site but I've been told she still reads it through others links.
So, I'm at a standstill. Do I believe my third party friend and hope for the best? Is having this "friend" really "the best" since she did me so wrong the last time? Do I really believe my third party friend? I mean she is friends with the other party, maybe they're just sitting back laughing at me? Oh the dilema, oh the drama, oh the....... whatever. I don't have the time for this crap. She knows every way in the world to get in touch with me, it's her game and I'm not playing. I've got more important things to do than get mind fucked.
I've heard through the grapevine that a former friend of mine is "worried" about me, she's " so very sorry for what she did", she's "just heartbroken that I'm not her friend anymore", she's "over it".
What do I do? Do I just wash my hands again and welcome her back into my realm? Why am I hearing this from a third party? I've not changed my email address, cell phone or house phone numbers and I haven't moved. My general routine is still the same. The only things that have changed are my job (I'm still in town) and my blog site but I've been told she still reads it through others links.
So, I'm at a standstill. Do I believe my third party friend and hope for the best? Is having this "friend" really "the best" since she did me so wrong the last time? Do I really believe my third party friend? I mean she is friends with the other party, maybe they're just sitting back laughing at me? Oh the dilema, oh the drama, oh the....... whatever. I don't have the time for this crap. She knows every way in the world to get in touch with me, it's her game and I'm not playing. I've got more important things to do than get mind fucked.
Monday, July 17, 2006
More Pics
The tree knocked down our phone line and the neighbor's cable/internet line. Sunday, Bob cleared the tree off the Mustang so the Claims Rep(s) can see it and so that CableONE can come
and put up the cable line. Hopefully the insurance companies will come today. CableONE came Sunday and put the cable back up, they were there within 30 minutes of our call. On a Sunday. SUNDAY. I'm impressed. However, AT&T is a horse of a different color, I called AT&T for our phone line at 3:00am Friday morning and they told us it would be fixed Saturday. Someone did come out (we were gone, buying my Jeep) but didn't hook up all the phone wires so we don't have all our phones working in the house. We have 2 working phones, luckily one is my DSL jack so that's all that I care about. As long as my DSL is up and running I'm happier than oh, nevermind, that's
not a nice thing to say. LOL
Today Bob has to take his Hemi to State Farm to file a claim on his windshield, I have to take the Jeep to get insurance. We're both going to be calling trying to pin point when the Claims Rep will be there. Methinks State Farm is gonna be sick of us. LOL
Oh, as for the windshield damage, we're pretty sure who did it, we can't prove it of course, but nonetheless we're pretty sure who did it. It's amazing how people think they can get away with things........
I still think life is good, this hasn't gotten me down. I'm over 60 pounds lighter, I've got a fantastic job, my kid is amazing, my husband told me I don't have a fat ass anymore and I have big plans for the next few months, it's all good, baby, all good.


Today Bob has to take his Hemi to State Farm to file a claim on his windshield, I have to take the Jeep to get insurance. We're both going to be calling trying to pin point when the Claims Rep will be there. Methinks State Farm is gonna be sick of us. LOL
Oh, as for the windshield damage, we're pretty sure who did it, we can't prove it of course, but nonetheless we're pretty sure who did it. It's amazing how people think they can get away with things........
I still think life is good, this hasn't gotten me down. I'm over 60 pounds lighter, I've got a fantastic job, my kid is amazing, my husband told me I don't have a fat ass anymore and I have big plans for the next few months, it's all good, baby, all good.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Why do things come in threes?
Wednesday I found out that MWH needed braces. (we're going for a second opinion)
Friday morning, in the wee hours before dawn, the pecan tree in our back yard fell on our neighbors' friend's car, totalling it.
and now, to top it off.........
Bob's truck windshield was vandalized. Someone busted out the windshield, looks like a hammer or something. It was not the tree, the tree completely missed the truck, it was a vandal.
I think I'm going back to bed.
Wednesday I found out that MWH needed braces. (we're going for a second opinion)
Friday morning, in the wee hours before dawn, the pecan tree in our back yard fell on our neighbors' friend's car, totalling it.
and now, to top it off.........
Bob's truck windshield was vandalized. Someone busted out the windshield, looks like a hammer or something. It was not the tree, the tree completely missed the truck, it was a vandal.
I think I'm going back to bed.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Godspell, Jr. & da Jeeeeeeeeep

MWH survived two nights of Godspell, Jr. and she did a fantastic job both nights! The kids did great and I really hope she'll do it again soon. Theater is such a good thing for kids to be a part of. She truly loved the whole process. We were supposed to stay for the strike (the taking down of the stage) but we didn't because we were so tired from the whole tree thing. I feel so bad about that, but good grief it was so hard to stay awake all day!
MWH got three different gifts at the end of the night and she was so excited! Thanks Mrs. Coach, you ROCK!
I've been looking for a new vehicle for about a month now and today we finally found one! WOO

We are still trying to get the tree situation delt with. It'll be Monday before we can get a claim rep out here. We can't seem to get an answer on whether it's our homeowners insurance or the boy's auto insurance that will pick it up. I thought our insurance would be the one but the insurance said that acts of nature cover under the auto owners policy.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Wind + Tree = Dead Mustang

Went to bed around 11:30 last night, at 2:45 we hear a CRACK sound and both of us woke from a dead sleep. Bob headed to the back, I headed to the front, we didn't know what happened. It seems that a massive gust of wind knocked over the one pecan tree we have, er um, had in the back yard. Knocked it clean over, it's laying on its side on the neighbors to the south's property and landed on a their fence and their friend's Mustang.

Yes, holy shit. The Mustang is totalled.
It pulled down our phone line so I have no land line and no DSL at home which it doesn't matter about the phone 'cause no one ever calls me, but the DSL totally sucks.
Here are a couple pics, I'll try to post more later!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
A little of this and a little of that
It seems like ages since I posted so here's the week in a nutshell.
Pirates of the Caribbean ROCKED and The Devil Wears Prada was good. No complaints from me. Johnny Depp is amazing, Orlando Bloom is "hot" as my kid and her friend stated. LOL Meryl Streep (I always get her and Glenn Close confused) was fantastic and Anne Hathaway is all growed up people, very surprising!
We hit the casinos Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, it seems free play just never ends. Wish I could win though. LOL
MWH has had play practice all week, her first performance was tonight and it was truly amazing. She wore make up and, wow, she looked so beautiful. My friend Angie and her kids went with me tonight and took pictures. I stupidly forgot my camera but I did take a few shots with my cell. They so suck. There's quite a group going tomorrow night, dinner and everything before hand, so I'll be sure to remember my camera then! LOL I hope anyway.......
Bob even had flowers for MWH after the play, so sweet, she was so surprised!!
Wednesday I took MWH to the orthodontist, I need a few days to get my head around what all he said. I do believe I'm going to find another ortho to get a second opinion. His opinion seemed a bit labor intensive and too costly for ONE fucking tooth. Having said that, I really need to calm down and think about it for a few more days... sheesh.
Tomorrow is my short day, I have lots of plans for the weekend, next week looks very promising, I absolutely love my job, my pedicure still looks damn good and the weight is still melting off.
Life. Is. Good.
Pirates of the Caribbean ROCKED and The Devil Wears Prada was good. No complaints from me. Johnny Depp is amazing, Orlando Bloom is "hot" as my kid and her friend stated. LOL Meryl Streep (I always get her and Glenn Close confused) was fantastic and Anne Hathaway is all growed up people, very surprising!
We hit the casinos Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, it seems free play just never ends. Wish I could win though. LOL
MWH has had play practice all week, her first performance was tonight and it was truly amazing. She wore make up and, wow, she looked so beautiful. My friend Angie and her kids went with me tonight and took pictures. I stupidly forgot my camera but I did take a few shots with my cell. They so suck. There's quite a group going tomorrow night, dinner and everything before hand, so I'll be sure to remember my camera then! LOL I hope anyway.......
Bob even had flowers for MWH after the play, so sweet, she was so surprised!!
Wednesday I took MWH to the orthodontist, I need a few days to get my head around what all he said. I do believe I'm going to find another ortho to get a second opinion. His opinion seemed a bit labor intensive and too costly for ONE fucking tooth. Having said that, I really need to calm down and think about it for a few more days... sheesh.
Tomorrow is my short day, I have lots of plans for the weekend, next week looks very promising, I absolutely love my job, my pedicure still looks damn good and the weight is still melting off.
Life. Is. Good.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
A quick picture

My friend took this pic of me yesterday with her youngest daughter. She has three daughters and they all are just adorable. The one I'm holding was cold and wanted to snuggle so of course I had to oblige. LOL I swear that kid had ants in her pants though cause she wasn't still for more than 3 seconds at a time!
I'll try to post more pics later. I'm taking MWH and some friends to see Pirates of the Caribbean and The Devil Wears Prada this afternoon.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Why is it...
... that when you are ready to actually buy something you can't find it?
We went to Tulsa this morning in search of a new "used" SUV for me. I like the look of the Jeep Liberty and a few other body styles but we just couldn't find one that had everything we wanted at the price we thought was fair. Ok, I did find a few that would have worked, but dammit, they were all red, whore red. I hate whore red. My last truck was whore red and I don't want another whore red vehicle. I guess I'm just gonna keep my car for a while.
We had lunch at Joe's Crab Shack, now that is goooooood food. Yum-O! Why is it that we always get a gay server? Why can't we ever have a straight one? I don't get it......... Is there some sort of requirement to be in the food service industry that you must be flamboyantly homosexual? Ok, I'm not totally serious, I know there are a some good waiters and waitresses out there who aren't "out" there. LOL
Actually, we ate dinner at the 5 and Diner, this really cool 50's style retro diner next to the Harley shop on Memorial, and our server was not obviously gay. She was rather odd though. She walked over to our table and asked what we wanted to drink, I kid you not the woman was over 6 feet tall, I was eye to eye with her belly button! I bent over and looked at the floor to see if she had on skates. She was not. I felt a little embarassed.
Before dinner though, we went to see a friend of mine who lives in Tulsa. Her apartment complex has a pool and she has been wanting us to come see her for a while so we did. Bob and I didn't feel like swimming after a long day at the car lots but MWH did and she had a blast!!!!!!
Well, it's about time for Paula Deen to come back on so I'm outta here campers!!!!!!!!!!
We went to Tulsa this morning in search of a new "used" SUV for me. I like the look of the Jeep Liberty and a few other body styles but we just couldn't find one that had everything we wanted at the price we thought was fair. Ok, I did find a few that would have worked, but dammit, they were all red, whore red. I hate whore red. My last truck was whore red and I don't want another whore red vehicle. I guess I'm just gonna keep my car for a while.
We had lunch at Joe's Crab Shack, now that is goooooood food. Yum-O! Why is it that we always get a gay server? Why can't we ever have a straight one? I don't get it......... Is there some sort of requirement to be in the food service industry that you must be flamboyantly homosexual? Ok, I'm not totally serious, I know there are a some good waiters and waitresses out there who aren't "out" there. LOL
Actually, we ate dinner at the 5 and Diner, this really cool 50's style retro diner next to the Harley shop on Memorial, and our server was not obviously gay. She was rather odd though. She walked over to our table and asked what we wanted to drink, I kid you not the woman was over 6 feet tall, I was eye to eye with her belly button! I bent over and looked at the floor to see if she had on skates. She was not. I felt a little embarassed.
Before dinner though, we went to see a friend of mine who lives in Tulsa. Her apartment complex has a pool and she has been wanting us to come see her for a while so we did. Bob and I didn't feel like swimming after a long day at the car lots but MWH did and she had a blast!!!!!!
Well, it's about time for Paula Deen to come back on so I'm outta here campers!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 07, 2006
You know that old Def Leppard song Foolin'? Well, that's how I said Friday this morning. I know it's a short week, but damn am I glad it's almost over!
Yesterday was one of those days and holy crap I about pulled all my hair out. Work was good, it was just the little things....... I ran an abstract to the abstractor and got locked out of the main doors, luckily there was a City employee working in the street and he let me use his phone to call upstair. God how I hate to ask for help! The next *UGH* moment was when I couldn't log in to our calendaring software, C had to set me up with a while new account which meant I lost all my customizations and that had to be reset. I hadn't learned the software yet and that was a lot of fun. LOL Then my computer crashed twice. Just one of those days. Basically I hate to ask for help, twice I had to ask for help yesterday. I need to get over that, I can't do it alone. Even with the trifecta of flops I still had a great day though!
MWH and I were going to the Coleman Theatre to see South Pacific, she had a free kids ticket for herself, but it was sold out, yes, sold out. Ol' Snootybutt herself came out and told us that they were sold out except for the balcony and you had to be 18 to go up there so that left MWH out. It's all good though 'cause one of her friends went and said it was booooooooooring. Ok, now I'm glad I didn't waste the $10.
I was going to have Bob take my picture last night but he was too tired, poor guy has to work today and that just messes up his routine. He really loves his 3 day weekends.
Here are a couple pics of MWH at the lake, damn that kid is growing up!
Yesterday was one of those days and holy crap I about pulled all my hair out. Work was good, it was just the little things....... I ran an abstract to the abstractor and got locked out of the main doors, luckily there was a City employee working in the street and he let me use his phone to call upstair. God how I hate to ask for help! The next *UGH* moment was when I couldn't log in to our calendaring software, C had to set me up with a while new account which meant I lost all my customizations and that had to be reset. I hadn't learned the software yet and that was a lot of fun. LOL Then my computer crashed twice. Just one of those days. Basically I hate to ask for help, twice I had to ask for help yesterday. I need to get over that, I can't do it alone. Even with the trifecta of flops I still had a great day though!
MWH and I were going to the Coleman Theatre to see South Pacific, she had a free kids ticket for herself, but it was sold out, yes, sold out. Ol' Snootybutt herself came out and told us that they were sold out except for the balcony and you had to be 18 to go up there so that left MWH out. It's all good though 'cause one of her friends went and said it was booooooooooring. Ok, now I'm glad I didn't waste the $10.
I was going to have Bob take my picture last night but he was too tired, poor guy has to work today and that just messes up his routine. He really loves his 3 day weekends.
Here are a couple pics of MWH at the lake, damn that kid is growing up!


Tuesday, July 04, 2006
My own private TMI Tuesday
First off, I gotta tell you about my clustermap situation.
I tried to log in to the clustermap site and couldn't, it was driving me nucking futs! Finally, I decide to look at the link in the template and low and behold what do I see? I see I fucked up, really fucked up. I see that I typed it in as butfist rather than butfirst...... oy, talk about a TMI Tuesday topic! Thank GOD I don't have it as buttfirst 'cause if I did I'm sure all the porn sites would be on me like stink on shit. So, for anyone who did catch my major screw up, I'm not some freak into s&m and all that scene. I really have a private attitude about sex and really don't talk about it in person let alone here, although, that could change because of a certain person who I know and love and his certain recent insatiable libido.......
The clustermap situation has been remedied and I hope that you will please continue to visit me so I can see more red dots on my map.
Oh gosh, my weekend, where do I begin?
Saturday, I went to Tulsa with my mom. She wanted to hit the Tulsa casinos and I wanted to hit the mall. My big ass has gone down 5, yes F-I-V-E, sizes. I have lost 55 pounds and can now wear a much smaller size of clothes. I still have to shop in the Plus Sizes or Women's department, but the Misses and Ladies are a callin' out to me...... It's a faint whisper, but I can hear it.
We stopped first at the Cherokee Casino, the big one right there on I-44 when you first get in to Tulsa, and we did ok, actually, we did pretty damn well, we didn't realize how well until later. More on that in a bit......
We left there to try the one on 81st & Riverside, I can't remember which one that was, but it sucked. We both lost our asses in there, it made us realize how good we were doing at Cherokee! We weren't winning big at Cherokee but we were cashing out rather than running out of money, at the 81st & Riverside casino, we just couldn't hit shit.
After losing, we went to the Elephant Bar next to the mall and wow that was some good grub! Yum-O! Then we hit the Woodland Hills mall and I hit the mother load sale at JC Penney's! I got two outfits for $30 and the tag price would have been over $200 had they not been on sale! WOO HOO! Not to mention they were 5 sizes smaller than the pants I usually wear! YIPPEE!
After we left the mall with our loot, we went back to the Cherokee Casino and realized again how well we did that morning, we sucked, lemme say that again, we suuuuuuuuuuuucked. Worn down, smelling of cigarette smoke and completely broke but beaming with pride about my new skinnier pants, we left and headed home.
Sunday, we went to Joplin and had dinner at Johnny Carino's and just looked around a little, it was quiet, the stores weren't too crowded, traffic wasn't too bad and we had a nice time.
Monday night we went out to Buffalo Run for Ladies' Night and I kid you not, they called my name and I won $100! I nearly fell over, it was the first time I'd been out there for the drawings in probably 4 or 5 months so I was really surprised, but dammit, I won! I was back in Joe's Outback playing a penny machine and couldn't hear anything, I told my mom I was going to go listen and within 5 seconds, I hear a muffled "Aprugh......" no last name or anything, just "Aprugh", I took off running in my Keds flip flops! When I hit the tunnell, I heard my full name as plain as day there was NO ONE in the freaking hall to radio that I was coming and I started worrying that it was almost time to end and I was going to miss it, but I didn't. I was $100 richer by the end of the evening! WOO HOO!
Tuesday (today) we went to High Winds and got some freeplay and then to Quapaw and got more freeplay and now we're heading back to Buffalo Run for Bob's freeplay. Oy, it's exhausting......... And guess what, tomorrow we'll be going back to High Winds for more freeplay! YIIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE
But first, before I go, I guess I'll do the TMI Tuesday questions!
1. When was the last time someone hit on you? What went down?
Oh, this is a good question. Actually, it was Saturday, this really nice tall cowboy lookin' guy came up to me and asked me if I had a light, I said no, I didn't smoke, then he said he didn't either..... I looked at him like he was on crack and he said he just wanted to come over and talk to me. I said, um, why, was it a dare? Are we on Candid Camera? He said no, he just thought I looked like a nice person and he thought what the hell. I then told him I was married, had been for 16 years, and had a 12 year old. That I was tickled shitless that he thought I was worthy of his time and actually, it was fine, I truly was flattered, we sat there for about 20 minutes talking and he really did seem like a nice guy..... so tall and he looked so nice walking away. :0)
2. Would you rather drive or be driven?
Driven. 'nuf said.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your sex life?
Satisfied? Yes, oh yes. My only complaint is that I have had to recently implement the 12 hour rule (meaning I get a 12 hour break in between each "act"), which may soon be replaced by the 24 hour rule........ sheesh, next thing I know it'll be the 48 hour rule!
4. Do you believe someone can truly be bisexual?
Oh yes, I know people who are bisexual, it's not a myth. LOL
5. How often do you feel guilty or ashamed after a sexual experience?
Bonus (as in "optional"):
Do you feel female homosexuality is more accepted than male? Why?
Yes....... I just typed a huge answer to this but chose to delete it. I think I'm going to take the easy way out and say that girl on girl is considered "hot" but guy on guy is considered "not". LOL
I tried to log in to the clustermap site and couldn't, it was driving me nucking futs! Finally, I decide to look at the link in the template and low and behold what do I see? I see I fucked up, really fucked up. I see that I typed it in as butfist rather than butfirst...... oy, talk about a TMI Tuesday topic! Thank GOD I don't have it as buttfirst 'cause if I did I'm sure all the porn sites would be on me like stink on shit. So, for anyone who did catch my major screw up, I'm not some freak into s&m and all that scene. I really have a private attitude about sex and really don't talk about it in person let alone here, although, that could change because of a certain person who I know and love and his certain recent insatiable libido.......
The clustermap situation has been remedied and I hope that you will please continue to visit me so I can see more red dots on my map.
Oh gosh, my weekend, where do I begin?
Saturday, I went to Tulsa with my mom. She wanted to hit the Tulsa casinos and I wanted to hit the mall. My big ass has gone down 5, yes F-I-V-E, sizes. I have lost 55 pounds and can now wear a much smaller size of clothes. I still have to shop in the Plus Sizes or Women's department, but the Misses and Ladies are a callin' out to me...... It's a faint whisper, but I can hear it.
We stopped first at the Cherokee Casino, the big one right there on I-44 when you first get in to Tulsa, and we did ok, actually, we did pretty damn well, we didn't realize how well until later. More on that in a bit......
We left there to try the one on 81st & Riverside, I can't remember which one that was, but it sucked. We both lost our asses in there, it made us realize how good we were doing at Cherokee! We weren't winning big at Cherokee but we were cashing out rather than running out of money, at the 81st & Riverside casino, we just couldn't hit shit.
After losing, we went to the Elephant Bar next to the mall and wow that was some good grub! Yum-O! Then we hit the Woodland Hills mall and I hit the mother load sale at JC Penney's! I got two outfits for $30 and the tag price would have been over $200 had they not been on sale! WOO HOO! Not to mention they were 5 sizes smaller than the pants I usually wear! YIPPEE!
After we left the mall with our loot, we went back to the Cherokee Casino and realized again how well we did that morning, we sucked, lemme say that again, we suuuuuuuuuuuucked. Worn down, smelling of cigarette smoke and completely broke but beaming with pride about my new skinnier pants, we left and headed home.
Sunday, we went to Joplin and had dinner at Johnny Carino's and just looked around a little, it was quiet, the stores weren't too crowded, traffic wasn't too bad and we had a nice time.
Monday night we went out to Buffalo Run for Ladies' Night and I kid you not, they called my name and I won $100! I nearly fell over, it was the first time I'd been out there for the drawings in probably 4 or 5 months so I was really surprised, but dammit, I won! I was back in Joe's Outback playing a penny machine and couldn't hear anything, I told my mom I was going to go listen and within 5 seconds, I hear a muffled "Aprugh......" no last name or anything, just "Aprugh", I took off running in my Keds flip flops! When I hit the tunnell, I heard my full name as plain as day there was NO ONE in the freaking hall to radio that I was coming and I started worrying that it was almost time to end and I was going to miss it, but I didn't. I was $100 richer by the end of the evening! WOO HOO!
Tuesday (today) we went to High Winds and got some freeplay and then to Quapaw and got more freeplay and now we're heading back to Buffalo Run for Bob's freeplay. Oy, it's exhausting......... And guess what, tomorrow we'll be going back to High Winds for more freeplay! YIIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE
But first, before I go, I guess I'll do the TMI Tuesday questions!
1. When was the last time someone hit on you? What went down?
Oh, this is a good question. Actually, it was Saturday, this really nice tall cowboy lookin' guy came up to me and asked me if I had a light, I said no, I didn't smoke, then he said he didn't either..... I looked at him like he was on crack and he said he just wanted to come over and talk to me. I said, um, why, was it a dare? Are we on Candid Camera? He said no, he just thought I looked like a nice person and he thought what the hell. I then told him I was married, had been for 16 years, and had a 12 year old. That I was tickled shitless that he thought I was worthy of his time and actually, it was fine, I truly was flattered, we sat there for about 20 minutes talking and he really did seem like a nice guy..... so tall and he looked so nice walking away. :0)
2. Would you rather drive or be driven?
Driven. 'nuf said.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your sex life?
Satisfied? Yes, oh yes. My only complaint is that I have had to recently implement the 12 hour rule (meaning I get a 12 hour break in between each "act"), which may soon be replaced by the 24 hour rule........ sheesh, next thing I know it'll be the 48 hour rule!
4. Do you believe someone can truly be bisexual?
Oh yes, I know people who are bisexual, it's not a myth. LOL
5. How often do you feel guilty or ashamed after a sexual experience?
Bonus (as in "optional"):
Do you feel female homosexuality is more accepted than male? Why?
Yes....... I just typed a huge answer to this but chose to delete it. I think I'm going to take the easy way out and say that girl on girl is considered "hot" but guy on guy is considered "not". LOL
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