It dawned on me today that I haven't whined in quite some time. Methinks I'm long overdue for the ritual!
Actually, I could probably whine about my whole day. My day started with mixed blessings. I didn't have to rush around this morning (a plus) because (a negative) I had to go to the doctor for my annual exam. I had a hysterectomy in 2003 and haven't had an annual exam since. I know, I know, shame on me...... Needless to say, I did it, it's over, and if just being done with it isn't good enough, I don't have to have another for 5 years because of my hysterectomy! WOO HOO!
While my blood pressure was normal (not borderline like it used to be, 115 pounds ago), the doctor did ask me about my asthma and kind of got onto me because I don't use my inhaler or take daily meds for asthma. FINE! I'm an idiot! Now YOU know too! LOL I really thought my asthma was under control but I guess I was wrong. I think it's flaring up because of a combination of three things, the new windows (maybe lead dust in the house), the water damage in the office (it's been fixed but I'm sure there is still some residual mold around there) and the second hand smoke I breathe in daily. Here's a whine. I work with women who smoke. Luckily they confine their cigarette smoking to two rooms, one office and the women's bathroom, but I'm in and out of the bathroom and the smoking office all day. Now please don't think I'm complaining about the smokers in the office, I'm not, to each his (or her) own, I'm just stating a fact. Here's another fact, I also spend a lot of time in the casinos and there is a LOT of second hand smoke there. So, I'm sure that the smoke in the office is nothing compared to that but it's still a factor.
Let me see....... Another whine. Oh, I know. My dear, wonderful, super-fantastic friend Cruella is under the impression that I'm coming to see her for Christmas. While I would love nothing more to be able to do that I don't think it will happen. First, I don't have the extra money to do it, second, I don't have the time off work, third I'm scared that if I did make the plans to head to Wyoming in December, there would be some kind of horriffic weather related event that would happen to me and my family that would make the Donner Party and their tragedy pale in comparison.
Another whine...... I have been having dreams (good memory dreams, not anything bad) about an old, very dear friend. I ODCR'd them and it seems this person has ran into some seriously hard times (divorce, money judgments, multiple protective orders, etc). I tried to call this person and haven't been able to reach them. I feel bad because I have had dreams about this person and really am worried about them. I just want them to know that I still care, that someone thinks they were and may still be a good person. Sometimes you just need to hear that. I know this old friend does not read my blog (haven't seen or spoken to them for 15 years) but I'm putting out some good vibes for them. Here's to you M.R.B., I hope your current situation remedies itself and you come out stronger and happier than you ever dreamed possible. I don't know who you are now but I do know who you were then and if you're half the person you were then YOU STILL ROCK and I still think the world of you.
I do miss so many of my old friends. I have one old friend I email jokes and what not to and he won't email me back for some reason. Ok, he never emails anyone back but dammit I'm me and not just anyone! LOL There's yet another whine! I haven't talked to you in WEEKS, I miss you!! Now, suck it up and email me back, let me know you're doing ok!
Oh, my sisters, there's another whine. I have three half sisters, Kid, Kel and Bear. Each sister has 2 sons. I'm the only one of us with only one child and the only one who has a girl child. I stick out like a sore thumb. All of their real names begin with a "K", me, I begin with an "A". I swear I never had a chance! I recently saw a pic of sister Bear and her two boys, Jake and Zack, and I'm sad because MWH will never know her or them. I'll never know them. My father is one sorry fucker, he's messed us girls up so bad! I hate him for doing this to us! Only 1 of my 3 sisters, Sister Kid, even talks to me and she lives 5 hours away so I never get to see her and her adorable boys. Sister Kel lives about 45 minutes away but she wanting nothing to do with me. Sister Bear lives out on the east coast and I haven't been able to reach her directly but I'm guessing she wants nothing to do with me either. So sad........ I always wished that we'd have relationships as adults.
Ok, it's getting late and I need to get some rest, I could ramble on and on if I had the time but I'm already in bed and my laptop battery is flashing so I'm going to stop for now.
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