It dawned on me today that I haven't whined in quite some time. Methinks I'm long overdue for the ritual!
Actually, I could probably whine about my whole day. My day started with mixed blessings. I didn't have to rush around this morning (a plus) because (a negative) I had to go to the doctor for my annual exam. I had a hysterectomy in 2003 and haven't had an annual exam since. I know, I know, shame on me...... Needless to say, I did it, it's over, and if just being done with it isn't good enough, I don't have to have another for 5 years because of my hysterectomy! WOO HOO!
While my blood pressure was normal (not borderline like it used to be, 115 pounds ago), the doctor did ask me about my asthma and kind of got onto me because I don't use my inhaler or take daily meds for asthma. FINE! I'm an idiot! Now YOU know too! LOL I really thought my asthma was under control but I guess I was wrong. I think it's flaring up because of a combination of three things, the new windows (maybe lead dust in the house), the water damage in the office (it's been fixed but I'm sure there is still some residual mold around there) and the second hand smoke I breathe in daily. Here's a whine. I work with women who smoke. Luckily they confine their cigarette smoking to two rooms, one office and the women's bathroom, but I'm in and out of the bathroom and the smoking office all day. Now please don't think I'm complaining about the smokers in the office, I'm not, to each his (or her) own, I'm just stating a fact. Here's another fact, I also spend a lot of time in the casinos and there is a LOT of second hand smoke there. So, I'm sure that the smoke in the office is nothing compared to that but it's still a factor.
Let me see....... Another whine. Oh, I know. My dear, wonderful, super-fantastic friend Cruella is under the impression that I'm coming to see her for Christmas. While I would love nothing more to be able to do that I don't think it will happen. First, I don't have the extra money to do it, second, I don't have the time off work, third I'm scared that if I did make the plans to head to Wyoming in December, there would be some kind of horriffic weather related event that would happen to me and my family that would make the Donner Party and their tragedy pale in comparison.
Another whine...... I have been having dreams (good memory dreams, not anything bad) about an old, very dear friend. I ODCR'd them and it seems this person has ran into some seriously hard times (divorce, money judgments, multiple protective orders, etc). I tried to call this person and haven't been able to reach them. I feel bad because I have had dreams about this person and really am worried about them. I just want them to know that I still care, that someone thinks they were and may still be a good person. Sometimes you just need to hear that. I know this old friend does not read my blog (haven't seen or spoken to them for 15 years) but I'm putting out some good vibes for them. Here's to you M.R.B., I hope your current situation remedies itself and you come out stronger and happier than you ever dreamed possible. I don't know who you are now but I do know who you were then and if you're half the person you were then YOU STILL ROCK and I still think the world of you.
I do miss so many of my old friends. I have one old friend I email jokes and what not to and he won't email me back for some reason. Ok, he never emails anyone back but dammit I'm me and not just anyone! LOL There's yet another whine! I haven't talked to you in WEEKS, I miss you!! Now, suck it up and email me back, let me know you're doing ok!
Oh, my sisters, there's another whine. I have three half sisters, Kid, Kel and Bear. Each sister has 2 sons. I'm the only one of us with only one child and the only one who has a girl child. I stick out like a sore thumb. All of their real names begin with a "K", me, I begin with an "A". I swear I never had a chance! I recently saw a pic of sister Bear and her two boys, Jake and Zack, and I'm sad because MWH will never know her or them. I'll never know them. My father is one sorry fucker, he's messed us girls up so bad! I hate him for doing this to us! Only 1 of my 3 sisters, Sister Kid, even talks to me and she lives 5 hours away so I never get to see her and her adorable boys. Sister Kel lives about 45 minutes away but she wanting nothing to do with me. Sister Bear lives out on the east coast and I haven't been able to reach her directly but I'm guessing she wants nothing to do with me either. So sad........ I always wished that we'd have relationships as adults.
Ok, it's getting late and I need to get some rest, I could ramble on and on if I had the time but I'm already in bed and my laptop battery is flashing so I'm going to stop for now.
I'm a busy woman. I'm a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend to so many. I work full time, I have a life of my own that I'm just not living anymore. I feel like I am drowning at times. People always ask me to do things and I usually do them, but first..... I'm stopping. I'm saying no. Hell no. I'm putting ME first now, so let's get started on the ME, oh, wait, but first.....
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The game system has been found and purchased. The First Bitch is pleased. Thank you all for all your great ideas!
I am so glad that MWH and Bob aren't into games. I don't really know why, they're good for hand-eye coordination and can be educating, I just think they're a big waste of time and money. We bought MWH a N64 a few years ago and it was NEVER played. We still have one of those little arcade boxes we hook up to the TV occasionally but it's been a year or more since we've played it.
When I was a kid I had an Atari and tons of games, Frogger and Donkey Kong were my faves!! I remember Pong even before that. (Slight nausea just from thinking about that bouncing dot.) Yeah, I'm old. As a young teen, some kids I watched had the Nintendo system (I think) and I remember putting the little guys to bed so I could play Super Mario Brothers. That made me nauseous too. The music is still in my head (spoken with my best Drucilla voice). LOL
Oh well, to each his own!
I am so glad that MWH and Bob aren't into games. I don't really know why, they're good for hand-eye coordination and can be educating, I just think they're a big waste of time and money. We bought MWH a N64 a few years ago and it was NEVER played. We still have one of those little arcade boxes we hook up to the TV occasionally but it's been a year or more since we've played it.
When I was a kid I had an Atari and tons of games, Frogger and Donkey Kong were my faves!! I remember Pong even before that. (Slight nausea just from thinking about that bouncing dot.) Yeah, I'm old. As a young teen, some kids I watched had the Nintendo system (I think) and I remember putting the little guys to bed so I could play Super Mario Brothers. That made me nauseous too. The music is still in my head (spoken with my best Drucilla voice). LOL
Oh well, to each his own!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Gobble Gobble ya'll and various random thoughts
I know it's passed but HAPPY THANKSGIVING FOLKS! I hope Turkey day was good to you because it's been "not entirely sucky" for me.
I got off work early Wednesday so I started my holiday weekend in the black, so to speak. LOL I tried to hit a few local stores while I was free from man and child but unfortunately the shops I inteded to shop in also closed early for the weekend. LOL Wonderful. Oh well, that is my luck.
MWH was over at a friend's house for the day and Bob was supposed to be at work but he took off early too. He had to run to Joplin though for more wood for window #3 so I had a little bit of a reprieve before anyone was going to be home so I jumped on that opportunity! HOME ALONE! WOO HOO! Since my shopping spree was a bust, I headed to my empty abode and popped in my latest Movie Gallery rental, The Da Vinci Code. More on that movie later.
Wednesday night we didn't do a whole lot, honestly I don't even remember it. I think we just sat around and watched the boooooob tube. The idea of 4 days off work was mind numbing and I don't think I could muster up enough energy to do anything but relax and ponder my many days of laziness. LOL
Thursday I didn't cook. I didn't do much of anything but read the newspapers and Black Friday ads and plan my strategy. I have to admit that I wasn't all that impressed with what I saw, but there were a few things that were worth my time. Last year, Mrs. Coach and I hit the streets on Black Friday and we had a blast, this year I had more money and more energy. I was sooooooo ready for it! Luckily, Mrs. Coach was too so that was wonderful!
After she picked me up at 4:30, we headed to Joplin. I know you're all thinking at least one of us is completely stupid and you'r probably right. When we got to the mall the line to Best Buy was, well, insane. It was literally over 1/2 a mile long and probably 4-6 people wide in spots. I was starting to get a little scared but I didn't want Mrs. Coach to smelly fear so I sucked it up and put my game face on. We started out at Sears and while most of what was on my Sears list was unavailable, they did do ad matching so I found a few things there that I knew I'd not be able to get later. Old Navy was next and I found a coat that I absolutely loved. Much to my dismay, when I checked out I discovered it was not the $20 I thought it was. I misread the sign and it was $20 off. Too expensive for my taste considering this will be the one and only year I'd get to wear it. I did get myself some sleep pants. It seems I've been entirely too cold since I have lost 115 pounds and the concept of flannel pants is a freaking miracle. Unfortunately when I got home to put my pants on they were about 2 sizes too big. Hmmmm, I really need to learn to try stuff on. LOL Next was Bath & Body Works for some goodies for me and gifts for others. LOL Do you see a theme here? A little for them (family and friends) and a lot for me? heheheeee Actually, the next stop, Dryer's Shoes, was all for family, they didn't have any tennis shoes I could afford. I don't want to bore you with stop by stop (Victoria's Secret, Macy's (home store), Select Comfort, Limited Too, Macy's (jewelry and clothing store).....) but let me tell you there were jewelry stores all over the mall and I HIT THEM ALL! LOL I did end up with a pair of 3/8 t.w. white gold princess cut diamond stud solitaire earrings. I did good I think. After the mall we went to Lane Bryant and Target. Do you know that Target does not ad match? I'm sorry but that totally sucks! We still had money and energy left and we headed to Goody's and Toys R Us! Still more money and energy took us to Home Depot for a big disappointment, the tree I wanted had sold out. We had a great lunch (with free wine) at Olive Garden and we ended our day with JoAnn's and Masterson's. I had such a great day. Mrs. Coach picked me up at 4:30am and didn't drop me off until 4:00pm! Oh my gawd, I had so much fun! Thank you soooooooo much Mrs. Coach!
Ok, back to The Da Vinci Code.
Now, if you're a modern Christian and have faith that there is one and only one God and that He is all that the Holy Bible puts him to be, you may want to stop reading here.
While I do believe in a higher power, I don't believe that one person, man or woman, could have done all this. I am not some pagan freak, really, I do believe that there is a higher power or are higher powers, Gods and/or Goddesses, singular or plural I don't know, but I do believe that there could be something other than the whole Holy Bible story.
The movie The Da Vinci Code is something that intrigues me to no end. Again, I don't know anything for sure and I'm not a scholar on the subject, but I do know that my heart tells me that there is some truth to this work of fiction. I like the idea of Jesus being mortal and having been married and a child being born of that union. I like the idea that that child's lineage, Jesus's lineage, is still with us to this day.
I got off work early Wednesday so I started my holiday weekend in the black, so to speak. LOL I tried to hit a few local stores while I was free from man and child but unfortunately the shops I inteded to shop in also closed early for the weekend. LOL Wonderful. Oh well, that is my luck.
MWH was over at a friend's house for the day and Bob was supposed to be at work but he took off early too. He had to run to Joplin though for more wood for window #3 so I had a little bit of a reprieve before anyone was going to be home so I jumped on that opportunity! HOME ALONE! WOO HOO! Since my shopping spree was a bust, I headed to my empty abode and popped in my latest Movie Gallery rental, The Da Vinci Code. More on that movie later.
Wednesday night we didn't do a whole lot, honestly I don't even remember it. I think we just sat around and watched the boooooob tube. The idea of 4 days off work was mind numbing and I don't think I could muster up enough energy to do anything but relax and ponder my many days of laziness. LOL
Thursday I didn't cook. I didn't do much of anything but read the newspapers and Black Friday ads and plan my strategy. I have to admit that I wasn't all that impressed with what I saw, but there were a few things that were worth my time. Last year, Mrs. Coach and I hit the streets on Black Friday and we had a blast, this year I had more money and more energy. I was sooooooo ready for it! Luckily, Mrs. Coach was too so that was wonderful!
After she picked me up at 4:30, we headed to Joplin. I know you're all thinking at least one of us is completely stupid and you'r probably right. When we got to the mall the line to Best Buy was, well, insane. It was literally over 1/2 a mile long and probably 4-6 people wide in spots. I was starting to get a little scared but I didn't want Mrs. Coach to smelly fear so I sucked it up and put my game face on. We started out at Sears and while most of what was on my Sears list was unavailable, they did do ad matching so I found a few things there that I knew I'd not be able to get later. Old Navy was next and I found a coat that I absolutely loved. Much to my dismay, when I checked out I discovered it was not the $20 I thought it was. I misread the sign and it was $20 off. Too expensive for my taste considering this will be the one and only year I'd get to wear it. I did get myself some sleep pants. It seems I've been entirely too cold since I have lost 115 pounds and the concept of flannel pants is a freaking miracle. Unfortunately when I got home to put my pants on they were about 2 sizes too big. Hmmmm, I really need to learn to try stuff on. LOL Next was Bath & Body Works for some goodies for me and gifts for others. LOL Do you see a theme here? A little for them (family and friends) and a lot for me? heheheeee Actually, the next stop, Dryer's Shoes, was all for family, they didn't have any tennis shoes I could afford. I don't want to bore you with stop by stop (Victoria's Secret, Macy's (home store), Select Comfort, Limited Too, Macy's (jewelry and clothing store).....) but let me tell you there were jewelry stores all over the mall and I HIT THEM ALL! LOL I did end up with a pair of 3/8 t.w. white gold princess cut diamond stud solitaire earrings. I did good I think. After the mall we went to Lane Bryant and Target. Do you know that Target does not ad match? I'm sorry but that totally sucks! We still had money and energy left and we headed to Goody's and Toys R Us! Still more money and energy took us to Home Depot for a big disappointment, the tree I wanted had sold out. We had a great lunch (with free wine) at Olive Garden and we ended our day with JoAnn's and Masterson's. I had such a great day. Mrs. Coach picked me up at 4:30am and didn't drop me off until 4:00pm! Oh my gawd, I had so much fun! Thank you soooooooo much Mrs. Coach!
Ok, back to The Da Vinci Code.
Now, if you're a modern Christian and have faith that there is one and only one God and that He is all that the Holy Bible puts him to be, you may want to stop reading here.
While I do believe in a higher power, I don't believe that one person, man or woman, could have done all this. I am not some pagan freak, really, I do believe that there is a higher power or are higher powers, Gods and/or Goddesses, singular or plural I don't know, but I do believe that there could be something other than the whole Holy Bible story.
The movie The Da Vinci Code is something that intrigues me to no end. Again, I don't know anything for sure and I'm not a scholar on the subject, but I do know that my heart tells me that there is some truth to this work of fiction. I like the idea of Jesus being mortal and having been married and a child being born of that union. I like the idea that that child's lineage, Jesus's lineage, is still with us to this day.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Holiday Meme
Welcome to the 2006 Holiday Edition of Getting to Know Your Friends!
You know the drill. Highlight, copy, and paste (never, ever forward) and change my answers to your answers. Be sure to send back to me. Enjoy!! Everyone has time for a few moments of fun! Don't be a scrooge!!!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Duh, chocolate anything.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? When MWH was little he left them under the tree, then he wrapped a few, now he wraps them all.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored lights on the tree, white on the house (not that I'll ever have lights on the house)
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Have you met my jealous husband?
5. When do you put your decorations up? Usually I do it the day after Thanksgiving but I didn't get motivated to do it this year, probably this weekend though.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Sweet potato casserole, yummmmm.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Probably opening up everyone else's gifts accidentally.
8.When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I waited up for him one year and he never came, ever.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Usually, it's one of our traditions.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I decorate it with metalic ornaments and lots of silver accents, I hate gold!
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it, love it, LOVE IT!
12. Can you ice skate? No but I'd love to learn!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I don't really remember the gifts I got as a kid.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family time.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Pecan pie!!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Making magic reindeer food with MWH.
17. What tops your tree? A silver metal star.
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? Receiving! WOO HOO! I'm all about me this year!
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Hight by Jodee Mesina
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Eating them is yuck but the smell is yummmmmm.
You know the drill. Highlight, copy, and paste (never, ever forward) and change my answers to your answers. Be sure to send back to me. Enjoy!! Everyone has time for a few moments of fun! Don't be a scrooge!!!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Duh, chocolate anything.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? When MWH was little he left them under the tree, then he wrapped a few, now he wraps them all.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored lights on the tree, white on the house (not that I'll ever have lights on the house)
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Have you met my jealous husband?
5. When do you put your decorations up? Usually I do it the day after Thanksgiving but I didn't get motivated to do it this year, probably this weekend though.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Sweet potato casserole, yummmmm.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Probably opening up everyone else's gifts accidentally.
8.When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I waited up for him one year and he never came, ever.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Usually, it's one of our traditions.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I decorate it with metalic ornaments and lots of silver accents, I hate gold!
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it, love it, LOVE IT!
12. Can you ice skate? No but I'd love to learn!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I don't really remember the gifts I got as a kid.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family time.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Pecan pie!!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Making magic reindeer food with MWH.
17. What tops your tree? A silver metal star.
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? Receiving! WOO HOO! I'm all about me this year!
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Hight by Jodee Mesina
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Eating them is yuck but the smell is yummmmmm.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
ISO XBox or PS2
A friend of mine is looking for a good, used XBox or PS2 for their kid (or husband, whatever) for Christmas. I don't do games so I have no idea where to go or what to look for, is anyone upgrading their kids' units for Christmas and wants to sell their old machine?
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm A Podunk Girl

Yes, I live in Podunk, a.k.a. Miami, Oklahoma. His web site says Podunk has a population of 319 when in reality Miami has about 12,000 people. That's really not Podunk if you ask me. My concert-going friend Terra and I grew up in Baxter Springs, KS, about 20 minutes from here, and it was and still is a podunk kind of town. In Miami, there are about 200 per graduating class, in Baxter we had about 60. Podunk. I actually graduated from Quapaw, OK, and we had less than that, about 45 if memory serves. Bob graduated from Miami a year before Keith Anderson and honestly didn't know half of the class he spent so many years with. I knew everyone from Baxter and Quapaw, years before me too! LOL Those were true Podunk towns. Oh well, I guess to Keith Miami is Podunk even though we have more than 319 people, but to me and Terra, well, we know what Podunk really is.
Main Street was in partial chaos. We didn't have the 10,000 estimated fans but we did have a lot. There were radio stations and TV crews and people from everywhere! Pizza Hut ran out of pizzas, can you believe that? The City of Miami is in the middle of redoing Main Street so they did have part of the curves removed but we were lucky enough to be able to stand on the planter by the Miami Towers to see the concert. Everyone up there was picking off tree branches and tearing the limbs down so we could get a better view. So sad that the whole tree will come down. Oh well, I guess that's progress.
Miss Whineyhiney, Terra and her 7 year old daughter all went and Terra and her kiddo had never been to a concert before so it was very fun for them! Plus, Terra hadn't been out to do anything that didn't involve princesses or Thomas the Train for years so she was really livin' it up! We spent a lot of the night people watching and being mean. Ok, I know, it was wrong, but damn, we had to do something to entertain ourselves while they changed the set over from Candy Coburn to Keith Anderson! We were never mean to anyone really, just mocking people's hair and stuff like that. Yep, I'm a rebel.
I ran into another great old friend while at the concert. Her hubby had just gotten home from Iraq. His name is Keith too and I teased them that all the signs around town were really for him, not Keith Anderson. LOL Actually, I didn't know Keith Ande rson was coming back but I knew the other Keith was and I really thought the signs were for him! LOL Angie took a pic of us but she hasn't emailed me with it yet, as soon as she does though I'll be sure to post it!
If you haven't heard Keith's song Podunk I recommend you listen to it. I heard it 4 times Saturday and it was pretty good. Here are the lyrics.
Podunk - Keith Anderson
Same Saturday night, same ol' crowd
Draggin' Main to the Safeway then turn back around
'Til curfew and then head down to the river's edge and get drunk
Ain't nothing new, what else you gonna do out in Podunk
Well I knew this six string was my ticket out
No flashin' red light was gonna slow me down
18 years old everything that I owned in the back of that truck
I put a dip in my mouth and I headed straight outta Podunk
1st Chorus
Goodbye, daddy looked me in the eye said go where you gotta go
But don't forget to call home
And momma cried keep Jesus in your life and I hugged her one last time
And then I headed down the road in a dusty cloud of smoke
Out of Podunk
A lot of years gone by showin' on my face
Nothing in this life that time hasn't changed
I chased a lot of dreams and some of them came true
Ain't it funny how the very place I ran from is the place I'm runnin' to
Another Saturday night singin' to the same ol' crowd
Still playin' this six-string but things are different now
I met one of them girls turn your whole world around girls
And wouldn't you know it
We got our eyes on a house 'bout a hundred miles south
Out in Podunk
2nd Chorus
Goodbye, her daddy looked me in the eye
And said go where you gotta go son but don't forget to call home
And her momma cried said keep Jesus in your life and we hugged her one last time
Then we headed down that road to start a family of our own
Out in Podunk
Repeat 2nd Chorus 2x
Yep, I am a Podunk girl.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
To bitch or not to bitch, that is the question
In my quaint, little Mayberryish town there is charm. There is warmth. There is uniqueness. Or rather, there was.
Our Main Street is not your normal downtown avenue. We have a half mile of serpentine roadway. We have something unlike any other town I'm aware of.
About two months ago, while driving to work, I noticed the view was off, the skyline just wasn't the same, something just wasn't right. I quickly realized that there were trees missing. I was in the southbound lane on Main and Central and there was a tree cut near Harvey's Diamonds. I think there was another tree missing down by the Friendship House.
I drove down Main Street today and realized that they are slowly, methodically removing part of the charming serpentine on the southern part of Main Street. I have heard rumors that there will be parallel parking and four lanes. I dread this. Most people don't know how to parallel park, fortunately I do, but most don't. I don't want this. I am angry that the residents of my quaint, little town didn't get to vote for this extreme change.
A few blocks north of the serpentine displacement they are building a four screen movie theater a block off of the main drag. This eyesore is also a problem. It's huge, it blocks traffic viewability and they had to close a road for it. It's a road my husband used often.
I don't know who to bitch to. I don't know if anyone cares that one person (duh, me) doesn't like the changes. I don't like that my tax dollars are being wasted on this project. I don't like that it was decided by one person or one group and not voted on by the community. I don't like where they put the movie theater, Steve Owens or north Main Street would have been a better choice. I don't know all the answers, I don't know all the questions, but I do know that I'm not impressed.
Our Main Street is not your normal downtown avenue. We have a half mile of serpentine roadway. We have something unlike any other town I'm aware of.
About two months ago, while driving to work, I noticed the view was off, the skyline just wasn't the same, something just wasn't right. I quickly realized that there were trees missing. I was in the southbound lane on Main and Central and there was a tree cut near Harvey's Diamonds. I think there was another tree missing down by the Friendship House.
I drove down Main Street today and realized that they are slowly, methodically removing part of the charming serpentine on the southern part of Main Street. I have heard rumors that there will be parallel parking and four lanes. I dread this. Most people don't know how to parallel park, fortunately I do, but most don't. I don't want this. I am angry that the residents of my quaint, little town didn't get to vote for this extreme change.
A few blocks north of the serpentine displacement they are building a four screen movie theater a block off of the main drag. This eyesore is also a problem. It's huge, it blocks traffic viewability and they had to close a road for it. It's a road my husband used often.
I don't know who to bitch to. I don't know if anyone cares that one person (duh, me) doesn't like the changes. I don't like that my tax dollars are being wasted on this project. I don't like that it was decided by one person or one group and not voted on by the community. I don't like where they put the movie theater, Steve Owens or north Main Street would have been a better choice. I don't know all the answers, I don't know all the questions, but I do know that I'm not impressed.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Looooooong Weekend
I'm on lunch so I guess I'll do a little weekend review.
We had Friday off for Veteran's Day so I took the day to myself. Normally Bob is off on Fridays but he had to work this one in exchange for two weeks of paid time off at Christmas. That is sooooo going to suck for me. LOL I started my day at the local Jeep dealership doing a recall thing on my Liberty. I sat in the waiting room of the dealership in the dark and watched the Today show and caught up on the world news. I really enjoyed that. A lady came in while her car was being worked on and we talked about the news and about her son who is in Iraq right now on the front lines. Very fitting for Veteran's Day. She lost her father in the Korean War and this was her son's second tour in Iraq for this war, he was in the first Gulf War too.
Then I had to go to the doctor's office to do my 6 month labs. I have to do blood work once a year now to make sure I'm eating right and getting in enough nutrients. The plebotomist (or whatever the blood drawer is called) told me that I was really having a lot of labs done at once. I asked her if it was a lot of blood and she said no but it was a lot of vials. More on that in a sec...
After that I went home and cooked up a huge pot of scalloped potatoes for dinner. They were the kind with ham in them. Oh my gawd they were amazing! Soooooo cheesy and creamy and they had the perfect amount of sauce! I really did outdo myself!
I had lunch with the ol' Boss Lady. It's been nearly 5 months since I switched jobs and she's still so nice to me. We went to El Charro's and talked about all sorts of things! I sure do miss her and her family!
After my yummy lunch I had a pedicure appointment so I had to run home to get my flip flops on so I didn't ruin my pretty toe job! The lady doing it was someone I've known for a while but didn't know she was a cosmetologist. She really didn't do that good of a job but oh, well, it was better than I could have done myself!
I picked up MWH from school and went back home to the wonderful aroma of my scalloped 'taters..... MWH was starving and kept trying to steal bites. LOL Bob was about an hour late coming home from work so she was about ready to die of starvation by the time she did get to eat dinner! LOL Kids.... But it was soooooooo worth the wait!
Back to the blood. I get home and check my caller ID and the lab had called me for some reason. I called them back and they said that they didn't draw enough blood, I needed to go back. Um, no. I don't wanna. I told them I was done running and it would be Saturday before I went and they didn't like it but that wasn't my problem. LOL I hate that I had to get stuck twice for their stupidity. She was missing 2 vials and SHE FREAKIN' KNEW IT while I was there! UGH! I hate stupid people.
Friday night I stayed home and watched TV and vegged. I did nothing. Ah, how wonderful.
Saturday I had no plans. Bob went duck hunting and I slept in. MWH and I just laid around and watched Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds, Digging to China with Kevin Bacon and The Initiation of Sarah. Bob was back by that time and so we had some left over scalloped 'taters and didn't do much else for a while. MWH and I decided to head to Joplin again 'cause Bob had plans with a guy from work so we went back to the lab for the remainder of my blood work. I got stuck yet again! I ran into an old friend who just had breast implants because of breast cancer. She has no fear, she just popped her new boobs right out in the middle of the waiting room, right there in the emergency room lobby! LOL Cracked me up! We left the ER in boob shock and headed to the Stables for a late lunch before our mall crawl. Yummmmm. We had a great lunch! In Joplin, we hit Target, Kohl's and every square inch of the mall. I don't know where my kid keeps getting it from but it seems like she has an endless supply of money! She got two more pairs of pants and some Christmas gifts for her posse. I did stop at Hallmark and bought one of those Very Merry Trio dancin' penguins you see on TV. So cute. I'm a sucker for crap like that. LOL
Sunday was normal, newspapers, grocery shopping and TV. We watched several hours of the 100 Best Songs of the 1980's on VH1. Meaning I sat there and reminisced about A-Ha and soooooo many other groups I adored in my teen years. I screamed at the TV when it didn't have enough Aerosmith or Bon Jovi, even Def Leppard seemed to be ignored. They did a pretty good job though and I was pleased overall. Things like that just rock. I wish I could have a CD with all 100 songs on it!
After that was over with I watched Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters. I had a great weekend and really didn't do much. I hope next weekend is as lame as this one was! WOO HOO!
We had Friday off for Veteran's Day so I took the day to myself. Normally Bob is off on Fridays but he had to work this one in exchange for two weeks of paid time off at Christmas. That is sooooo going to suck for me. LOL I started my day at the local Jeep dealership doing a recall thing on my Liberty. I sat in the waiting room of the dealership in the dark and watched the Today show and caught up on the world news. I really enjoyed that. A lady came in while her car was being worked on and we talked about the news and about her son who is in Iraq right now on the front lines. Very fitting for Veteran's Day. She lost her father in the Korean War and this was her son's second tour in Iraq for this war, he was in the first Gulf War too.
Then I had to go to the doctor's office to do my 6 month labs. I have to do blood work once a year now to make sure I'm eating right and getting in enough nutrients. The plebotomist (or whatever the blood drawer is called) told me that I was really having a lot of labs done at once. I asked her if it was a lot of blood and she said no but it was a lot of vials. More on that in a sec...
After that I went home and cooked up a huge pot of scalloped potatoes for dinner. They were the kind with ham in them. Oh my gawd they were amazing! Soooooo cheesy and creamy and they had the perfect amount of sauce! I really did outdo myself!
I had lunch with the ol' Boss Lady. It's been nearly 5 months since I switched jobs and she's still so nice to me. We went to El Charro's and talked about all sorts of things! I sure do miss her and her family!
After my yummy lunch I had a pedicure appointment so I had to run home to get my flip flops on so I didn't ruin my pretty toe job! The lady doing it was someone I've known for a while but didn't know she was a cosmetologist. She really didn't do that good of a job but oh, well, it was better than I could have done myself!
I picked up MWH from school and went back home to the wonderful aroma of my scalloped 'taters..... MWH was starving and kept trying to steal bites. LOL Bob was about an hour late coming home from work so she was about ready to die of starvation by the time she did get to eat dinner! LOL Kids.... But it was soooooooo worth the wait!
Back to the blood. I get home and check my caller ID and the lab had called me for some reason. I called them back and they said that they didn't draw enough blood, I needed to go back. Um, no. I don't wanna. I told them I was done running and it would be Saturday before I went and they didn't like it but that wasn't my problem. LOL I hate that I had to get stuck twice for their stupidity. She was missing 2 vials and SHE FREAKIN' KNEW IT while I was there! UGH! I hate stupid people.
Friday night I stayed home and watched TV and vegged. I did nothing. Ah, how wonderful.
Saturday I had no plans. Bob went duck hunting and I slept in. MWH and I just laid around and watched Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds, Digging to China with Kevin Bacon and The Initiation of Sarah. Bob was back by that time and so we had some left over scalloped 'taters and didn't do much else for a while. MWH and I decided to head to Joplin again 'cause Bob had plans with a guy from work so we went back to the lab for the remainder of my blood work. I got stuck yet again! I ran into an old friend who just had breast implants because of breast cancer. She has no fear, she just popped her new boobs right out in the middle of the waiting room, right there in the emergency room lobby! LOL Cracked me up! We left the ER in boob shock and headed to the Stables for a late lunch before our mall crawl. Yummmmm. We had a great lunch! In Joplin, we hit Target, Kohl's and every square inch of the mall. I don't know where my kid keeps getting it from but it seems like she has an endless supply of money! She got two more pairs of pants and some Christmas gifts for her posse. I did stop at Hallmark and bought one of those Very Merry Trio dancin' penguins you see on TV. So cute. I'm a sucker for crap like that. LOL
Sunday was normal, newspapers, grocery shopping and TV. We watched several hours of the 100 Best Songs of the 1980's on VH1. Meaning I sat there and reminisced about A-Ha and soooooo many other groups I adored in my teen years. I screamed at the TV when it didn't have enough Aerosmith or Bon Jovi, even Def Leppard seemed to be ignored. They did a pretty good job though and I was pleased overall. Things like that just rock. I wish I could have a CD with all 100 songs on it!
After that was over with I watched Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters. I had a great weekend and really didn't do much. I hope next weekend is as lame as this one was! WOO HOO!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Hug your favorite Veteran today

Today is Veteran's Day. It makes me think of those I've lost. My grandfather is one. He was in the Korean war. I am not sure which branch of service but I know he served. I know he was a proud man who served his country.
My best friend's father was also a veteran. Her dad served in Vietnam. He came back a changed man. I didn't know him before and didn't know him well after, but I do know that his service time changed her life forever. His tour changed his family in ways that can not me measured.
My father was not a veteran. My father had no respect for our country or those men and women who make the wonderful choice to serve. My father was, and still is, a sad, lonely, spineless, pathetic, miserable, weak, selfish man who deserves all the pain he endures.
I don't really know many people who have served. The first person who comes to mind is the ol' Coyote. He was a Marine and he's still very proud of his service. The only person I know who's on active duty is a guy who I went to high school with. We have emailed with each other a lot over the years. He and his wife have lived all over, they just came home from Alaska and I think they're stationed in South Dakota now. Another veteran I know is a mystery. I haven't seen him for years, he was in Desert Storm and he's got three kids who were born after his tour and last I heard all three have had major health concerns. He's divorced and not having the best of luck, at least that's what I've heard. He doesn't live here anymore and I sure do miss having him in my life. He was one of my best friends when I was younger. His life isn't great now and I know he deserves better. Another great man who served in Desert Storm is a good friend of mine who I don't get to see and talk to often enough. I don't think his time spent in the Marines was necesarily a good one, I really should ask him again about his tour the next time I see him. Luckily he does live locally so that shouldn't be too hard.
I regret not serving. I regret not knowing more service men and women. I regret not understanding what is happening in Iraq. I regret what is happening to our troops in Iraq. I regret not keeping up with my dear, old friends who meant so much to me and I (hopefully) to them.
I wonder if they think of me as often as I think of them.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
The Teen Years
Saturday my precious baby turned 13.
Yep, I'm now officially the mother of a teenager.
I sent her a HUGE candy basket and balloon bokay at school Friday and she was really happy with that. I think she's come to expect it really, damned spoiled brat.
Saturday we got her up early and had her open presents. I made her keep her eyes open while she guessed what was what. Amazingly enough she guessed a lot of it pretty close. The last thing I got her was a bra from Victoria's Secret. A cute little padded job with little pink dogs on it. Very cute. Unfortunately, it embarrassed her beyond belief! Oh, well, it's my job to embarrass my kid. LOL
So, after the gifts and the jokes and a quick count of the birthday loot, we loaded the Jeep and headed out for a day of birthday fun. She had no idea where we were going. We had her pack her ATV helmet, cowboy boots and other miscellaneous items to confuse her. Our first stop was in Springfield, MO, at the (duh) Bass Pro Shop. If I had a nickel for each time I've been there I'd be a thousandaire. I'm so not overexaggerating. We checked out "our" turtle and ooh'd and aah'd at all the neat stuff and loaded up yet again. She was still curious about what was happening.
Finally, when we got closer to Branson she figured it out. We asked her what she'd like to do in Branson and she kind of pouted and said she'd like to go to that indoor water park but that she didn't bring her swim suit. After I let her sulk for a minute, I told her I PACKED IT!!!!!!!!! LOL She was so excited! She had been wanting to go to Splash Country for, well, ever! LOL
So that is what we did, we swam, we shopped, we ate and we had a super fantastic time! We had lunch at Shorty Small's, dinner at Landry's (OMG I had the best shrimp!), breakfast at Hillbilly Inn (ewwww, new owners have made it nasty) and lunch on the fly at the pretzel place, Auntie Annie's in Branson Landing.
I was really excited about and very impressed with the new Branson Landing. Branson has really improved in the past five years or so and I think it's back on the right track.
I have so much more to write but not enough time, I started typing this Sunday night but just now finished it and I'm not at all happy with how little I wrote. Oh well, such is life. I could sit here and write about it or I could get off my ass and get out there and LIVE IT! Care to guess what I'm choosing?
Yep, I'm now officially the mother of a teenager.
I sent her a HUGE candy basket and balloon bokay at school Friday and she was really happy with that. I think she's come to expect it really, damned spoiled brat.
Saturday we got her up early and had her open presents. I made her keep her eyes open while she guessed what was what. Amazingly enough she guessed a lot of it pretty close. The last thing I got her was a bra from Victoria's Secret. A cute little padded job with little pink dogs on it. Very cute. Unfortunately, it embarrassed her beyond belief! Oh, well, it's my job to embarrass my kid. LOL
So, after the gifts and the jokes and a quick count of the birthday loot, we loaded the Jeep and headed out for a day of birthday fun. She had no idea where we were going. We had her pack her ATV helmet, cowboy boots and other miscellaneous items to confuse her. Our first stop was in Springfield, MO, at the (duh) Bass Pro Shop. If I had a nickel for each time I've been there I'd be a thousandaire. I'm so not overexaggerating. We checked out "our" turtle and ooh'd and aah'd at all the neat stuff and loaded up yet again. She was still curious about what was happening.
Finally, when we got closer to Branson she figured it out. We asked her what she'd like to do in Branson and she kind of pouted and said she'd like to go to that indoor water park but that she didn't bring her swim suit. After I let her sulk for a minute, I told her I PACKED IT!!!!!!!!! LOL She was so excited! She had been wanting to go to Splash Country for, well, ever! LOL
So that is what we did, we swam, we shopped, we ate and we had a super fantastic time! We had lunch at Shorty Small's, dinner at Landry's (OMG I had the best shrimp!), breakfast at Hillbilly Inn (ewwww, new owners have made it nasty) and lunch on the fly at the pretzel place, Auntie Annie's in Branson Landing.
I was really excited about and very impressed with the new Branson Landing. Branson has really improved in the past five years or so and I think it's back on the right track.
I have so much more to write but not enough time, I started typing this Sunday night but just now finished it and I'm not at all happy with how little I wrote. Oh well, such is life. I could sit here and write about it or I could get off my ass and get out there and LIVE IT! Care to guess what I'm choosing?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Girls Night Out
Yesterday I got a desperate call from a friend. She said something to the effect of "I need to drink. What are YOU doing tonight?" Me? Hmmmmmmm, let's see. I did a quick belly button lint check and figured I was good for the night so I told her I was ready to rock and roll! LOL
We started out at High Winds because I had free play coupons and their Coronas are the cheapest (no, I didn't drink but I wanted to).
We gambled a little and talked a lot. We had such a super time, I really needed to get out, alone, no men, no kids, no nothing, just me.
We had dinner out and even made a stop at a local liquor store for more spirits. LOL
I'm so lucky to have such good friends who care about me!
We started out at High Winds because I had free play coupons and their Coronas are the cheapest (no, I didn't drink but I wanted to).
We gambled a little and talked a lot. We had such a super time, I really needed to get out, alone, no men, no kids, no nothing, just me.
We had dinner out and even made a stop at a local liquor store for more spirits. LOL
I'm so lucky to have such good friends who care about me!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Depressed... almost
Friday I will celebrate my 6 month surgery anniversary. As of Sunday, October 21st, I had lost 100+ pounds. I'm doing GREAT. I can't complain. I look good (for a fat chick) and feel fabulous, but...... (isn't there always a but?!) anytime I see someone I haven't seen in a few weeks I keep getting asked the same fucking questions.
I know everyone means well but I didn't do this for any number, I did it to be healthy, to be able to be comfortable in movie theater and/or airplane seats, to be able to live past 35. I'm pleased where I am now but I'm still technically obese according to my BMI. I'm no fool, I know I'm fat, I don't have any grand delusions that I'm not.
When I started this journey in August, 2006, I didn't have a set goal. I just want to be normal, average, healthy. Read the paper, babe, obese is now the normal. Is there really an average anymore? Ok, so scratch the whole normal, average idea but healthy should be attainable.
I ran my BMI through and I started with a 52 or 53. I had to have a 40 to qualify for surgery (check on that!). My BMI now is 37, my "target" (i.e. healthy) BMI is 25. That is 70 more pounds away. Ok, I've lost over 100 pounds and I am tickled shitless over that majorly incredible feat. I could NEVER have done that without the surgery, but an additional 70 pounds just seems like such an unattainable goal! Maybe it's me, maybe it's the "winter is time for comfort food" attitude, maybe I just need to get my mind back into it (did I ever NOT have my mind into my weight though?).
So my questions are these:
Do I stress that I may never be "healthy"?
Do I think I can lose another 70 pounds?
What if I only lose another 35 and never get "healthy"?
So I've sat here today and thought about this long and hard. Am I depressed over it? Nooooooo. Am I going to let it bother me? Noooooooo. Am I going to do anything about it? Nooooooo. I know that my body will plateau at some point. I know that my body will find it's happy place. I know that my body will tell me when it's done losing weight. My body, not my desire, is in charge here.
Weight Loss Surgery is a tool and I'm using it to achieve the best goal for me which may or may not be what the BMI calculator says is "healthy". I can assure you though that a BMI of 37 is definitely healthier than a BMI of 52 or 53.
I am already healthier and if I never make it to "healthy" then that's just fine and dandy with me!!
What is your goal?
Do you have a set weight you want to get down to?
What's your magic number?
I know everyone means well but I didn't do this for any number, I did it to be healthy, to be able to be comfortable in movie theater and/or airplane seats, to be able to live past 35. I'm pleased where I am now but I'm still technically obese according to my BMI. I'm no fool, I know I'm fat, I don't have any grand delusions that I'm not.
When I started this journey in August, 2006, I didn't have a set goal. I just want to be normal, average, healthy. Read the paper, babe, obese is now the normal. Is there really an average anymore? Ok, so scratch the whole normal, average idea but healthy should be attainable.
I ran my BMI through and I started with a 52 or 53. I had to have a 40 to qualify for surgery (check on that!). My BMI now is 37, my "target" (i.e. healthy) BMI is 25. That is 70 more pounds away. Ok, I've lost over 100 pounds and I am tickled shitless over that majorly incredible feat. I could NEVER have done that without the surgery, but an additional 70 pounds just seems like such an unattainable goal! Maybe it's me, maybe it's the "winter is time for comfort food" attitude, maybe I just need to get my mind back into it (did I ever NOT have my mind into my weight though?).
So my questions are these:
Do I stress that I may never be "healthy"?
Do I think I can lose another 70 pounds?
What if I only lose another 35 and never get "healthy"?
So I've sat here today and thought about this long and hard. Am I depressed over it? Nooooooo. Am I going to let it bother me? Noooooooo. Am I going to do anything about it? Nooooooo. I know that my body will plateau at some point. I know that my body will find it's happy place. I know that my body will tell me when it's done losing weight. My body, not my desire, is in charge here.
Weight Loss Surgery is a tool and I'm using it to achieve the best goal for me which may or may not be what the BMI calculator says is "healthy". I can assure you though that a BMI of 37 is definitely healthier than a BMI of 52 or 53.
I am already healthier and if I never make it to "healthy" then that's just fine and dandy with me!!
Quiet Halloween
For the first time in, well, ever, we stayed home last night and greeted trick or treaters. MWH had planned on going out but due to circumstances beyond my control that didn't happen. Luckily I had bought some candy just in case. LOL
We probably had 2 dozen or so kids come by. I didn't have much candy and I had no idea how much traffic we'd have so the kids each just got one little candy bar but at least I was giving out chocolate not crap like toothbrushes or Frosty coupons. LOL
Today is Cruella's birthday. She's a jet setter and on the road again so I didn't send her a card. I suck at planning things out. I need to work on that. LOL I still have my nephew's birthday presents here and his birthday was several months ago!! UGH!!
Today is November 1st and it's officially "Christmas" time in my book. I did start my holiday shopping this weekend so I think I'm ahead of the game. At least for now I am. LOL
We probably had 2 dozen or so kids come by. I didn't have much candy and I had no idea how much traffic we'd have so the kids each just got one little candy bar but at least I was giving out chocolate not crap like toothbrushes or Frosty coupons. LOL
Today is Cruella's birthday. She's a jet setter and on the road again so I didn't send her a card. I suck at planning things out. I need to work on that. LOL I still have my nephew's birthday presents here and his birthday was several months ago!! UGH!!
Today is November 1st and it's officially "Christmas" time in my book. I did start my holiday shopping this weekend so I think I'm ahead of the game. At least for now I am. LOL
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