Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where's my PDA?

I can't keep track of it all! It looks like the next month is going to be a whirlwind for me.

In one short week, I have friends coming in from the great north. I'm really excited, it's been a while since I've seen them and we always have such a great time when they come down or when we go up!

Then, the first week of April, I'm going on a little trip up north myself, I'm going to Illinois to see my sister and her family. Just me and Miss Whineyhiney...... It's gonna be one long drive....... but I can handle it, hell, it'll be gravy compared to the drive back from seeing Chuck in New Hampshire! LOL Only this time I won't have any obligations on when and where I have to be.

Miss Whineyhiney is starting PE this quarter. She's all worried about her shorts being too short and the whole washing of the athletic clothes.... She's thinking about taking track in the fall, more power to her! I wish I had been able to do sports at her age.

Oh, before I forget, here's a special shout out to my accident prone friend, thanks for the hilarious pics, you rock. This one reminds me of someone in particular. Very funny, thanks for makin' me laugh so hard!

Zanadoooooooo is gone. I'm so sad. We talk daily and I'll still see her and the girls nearly every weekend but it's just weird that she's not just across town. I may take a day trip to T-town to see her soon. I desperately need a girlie day.

My tattoo is healing nicely. It looks fabulous! I'm so pleased with it! It's the best Valentine's day gift yet! Cruella and I have plans to get one more when she gets here....... hmmmmmmm, what do I want this time? Maybe a little ladybug? Tattoos are definitely something I'm probably going to be addicted to. I have ideas in my head already of what else I want. Bob is going to shit, but oh well. I'm worth it, dammit!

Well, I think I'm gonna go hide the mustard (sorry, inside joke).


MamaKBear said...

I sense an HNT pic coming on!

Queen Of Cheese said...

Ok, it's not Friday and Bob isn't off work so I really don't want to what "hide the mustard" means!

~ A P R I L ~ said...

Sorry MKB, no HNT for me this week, too busy.

MrsC, it means what it says, HIDE THE MUSTARD. LOL There are people who should not be allowed to eat and/or play with mustard. It is now my official call of duty to physically keep mustard from certain people.

It's a hard job but I think I can do it.

As for those unnamed mustard deficient folks, You know who you are..... You're annonimity is safe with me, I'm not namin' names! LOL