Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Men of Texas

I've actually written this post about 8 times but I can't seem to write what I have in my head. There are just too many things that happened, my head is too full, I can't get the words down, they're there but then they don't make sense. LOL

There is sooooooooo much more to this but I'm not going to blog about it, it's too insanely hot and sexy and oooooooooh, god delicious. LOL Plus, it's not entirely my story......... Once the other party/parties does, I'll be blabbing it here, folks! INTENSE!

All I can say is that I have a newfound respect for the song I'm In Love With A Stripper by T-Pain . I sincerely THANK GOD for POLAROID INSTANT CAMERAS (and condoms)!!!!!!!!!


D said... you've done it! I was very interested before but now I am about to scream with anticipation! *LOL* Can't wait to hear all the sordid would think I know all the parties involved personally or something *L*

Queen Of Cheese said...

You'll be republishing it again cause you forgot the S in instant and I know you won't leave it like that!

I wanted to see the Austrailian Thunder Down Under in Vegas but my sister wouldn't go with me......wonder if the Men of Texas are better?

~ A P R I L ~ said...

damn woman, get outta my head! LOL

Shannon said...

AAWWW c'mon April we want to know more details........... :)

GERBEN said...

I know Shann! When do we get to hear all the juicy details????