What do I have to talk about tonight? Hmmmm, let me think.
Miss Whineyhiney is at Girl Scout camp. She's in the While You Were Out unit and they are doing a makeover in the Camp Director's private quarters. MWH was very excited when we dropped her off. She even gets to go again as a CAP. When she read the CAP paperwork, it talked about her duties and how she was going to get to ride on the back of the trailer and deliver the other campers' luggage. That is soooooo kewl if you ask her.
Mrs. Coach called me last night with some SUPER FANTASTIC NEWS. I don't want to give it away because she has her own blog to brag on but let me tell you it's GREAT! WOO HOO!
I have booked my first Pampered Chef party. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm scared..... I've got tons of emotions running through me. I hope I can do this, I really hope I can do this. If you wanna check out my site, here's the link.
Last weekend we went camping at Elk River Floats and had a blast!!!!!! We made some new friends, drank a ton or two of beer and got some sun to boot! I didn't even get burned! That's sweeeeeeeet!!!!! We've even got plans to go back in a few weeks!
Work is crazy. C.R.A.Z.Y. I've moved to the back to be a legal secretary. They've hired a new receptionist to take my old job and so I'm running back and forth trying to help and train her. I'm trying to set up my desk and get my system going. I've also got a wicked, killer, totally kick ass, brand spankin' new Dell computer with a truly amazing 22" flat screen monitor that I'm soooooooo insanely in love with. My printer is one of those all in one jobs too but I haven't got it figured out yet. Yesterday I was looking everywhere for the Adobe program 'cause I like Adobe but I couldn't find it and in desperation I said (loudly) to the new girl as she walked past my office "I'd give BOTH my nipples for a copy of Adobe" and unbeknownst to me there was another attorney out in the lobby who heard me and laughed so hard hair almost grew from his bald head. Yeah, really, it was hilarious.
This weekend we're supposed to have yet another garage sale. I don't know if it will happen or not because of the weather, but I sure hope it does happen. If it doesn't happen, I may drown in the mountains of clothing stored in my shed. Thank GOD that it's been cool lately because I'm seriously concerned about my shed spontaneously combusting due to the crap we've got in there stored for the garage sale. LOL
Saturday evening I've got a birthday party to go to. A friend's foster kiddo is turning 1 and we're all going to hoooooooop and holler and help her blow out her candle. She's such a sweet baby, it'll be lots of fun!
My own precious teenaged (baby) comes home Friday night and I'm so ready for her to be here. I miss her so much........
My meds are kickin' in and I can barely keep my eyes open, I'm outta here.
I'm a busy woman. I'm a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend to so many. I work full time, I have a life of my own that I'm just not living anymore. I feel like I am drowning at times. People always ask me to do things and I usually do them, but first..... I'm stopping. I'm saying no. Hell no. I'm putting ME first now, so let's get started on the ME, oh, wait, but first.....
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Mystery Blogger
Several of my friends have told me stories lately that are sooooooooo blog worthy but they either are NON bloggers, don't know how to do the private blogging in MySpace or are afraid to put them on their own blog for fear of public humiliation.
Here is the first of, I hope, many mystery blog posts:
Mystery Blog Post
Welcome to Aprils blog, today your post comes to you from a guest Mystery blogger. I can’t post on my own site because my dear readers would be appalled and shocked and more importantly they would blab it all over the place. I figure since April doesn’t live anywhere near me, I would post on her site hoping that my readers aren’t her readers.
Several weeks ago I met this guy that I cannot get out of my head. The chemistry is there, you can almost feel it in the air. It’s electrifying and it frankly scares the hell out of me. Under different circumstances (like oh say, if I wasn’t married) it would be one of those hot Harlequin romance novel plots. The tall, dark and handsome guy sweeps the heroine off her feet and steals her away in the darkness. (Pardon me a moment while I get my blood pressure back under control). The curse or the cure of the whole thing is that he lives a few hours away and our paths don’t cross very often. I’m sure it will wear off in time but for now it’s all consuming. Emails and phone calls between are the only link we’ve got right now. There’s been no sex but it still feels wrong. Yet oh so right. I’m pathetic, I know it.
I know I’m playing with fire, I’m usually the first one to make snarky comments about others who mess around. In fact I made one today and then stopped to think about what I was saying, nothing like throwing stones in glass houses……
This “thing” is so totally out of my character it scares me. I love my child(ren) and my husband. He drives me freaking insane but it’s because I let him, I cater to his every need and want. Is it just the thrill of the chase I’m enjoying? Maybe it’s the extra attention, someone who finds me attractive and tells me about it? Could it be that I’ve hit the age that I could use a little reinforcement and I’m just latching onto whatever I can get? A wise friend asked me to think about whether it was worth losing my family over, the answer is no. I know the answer in my heart, it’s just my damned head that can’t figure it out. I’m so confused. I want to stop it and move on one minute and the other minute I’m thinking of how I can talk to him, see him, hear him laugh, watch him move. I just figured once he was out of the picture for a couple of days my life would be back to normal and I’d forget all about him. I’m still waiting.
The one good thing to come of this: the guilt sex is amazing! Much better than makeup sex. Heck, the husband may encourage it if he knew it was what was getting him so happy! Nah, I don’t think I can justify it like that either, but it was worth a shot to think of it like that.
Please don’t rip me a new one, I know I’m making a mistake. I also know it won’t go any further than it already has. I just have to get it out of my system and move on. I’ll keep you updated. Thanks for letting me butt in at butfirst….
So, if you, or someone you know, has a story they'd like to share with the free world but are unable for whatever reason to put it on their own blog then please feel free to email me at aproka@sbcglobal.net.
Here is the first of, I hope, many mystery blog posts:
Mystery Blog Post
Welcome to Aprils blog, today your post comes to you from a guest Mystery blogger. I can’t post on my own site because my dear readers would be appalled and shocked and more importantly they would blab it all over the place. I figure since April doesn’t live anywhere near me, I would post on her site hoping that my readers aren’t her readers.
Several weeks ago I met this guy that I cannot get out of my head. The chemistry is there, you can almost feel it in the air. It’s electrifying and it frankly scares the hell out of me. Under different circumstances (like oh say, if I wasn’t married) it would be one of those hot Harlequin romance novel plots. The tall, dark and handsome guy sweeps the heroine off her feet and steals her away in the darkness. (Pardon me a moment while I get my blood pressure back under control). The curse or the cure of the whole thing is that he lives a few hours away and our paths don’t cross very often. I’m sure it will wear off in time but for now it’s all consuming. Emails and phone calls between are the only link we’ve got right now. There’s been no sex but it still feels wrong. Yet oh so right. I’m pathetic, I know it.
I know I’m playing with fire, I’m usually the first one to make snarky comments about others who mess around. In fact I made one today and then stopped to think about what I was saying, nothing like throwing stones in glass houses……
This “thing” is so totally out of my character it scares me. I love my child(ren) and my husband. He drives me freaking insane but it’s because I let him, I cater to his every need and want. Is it just the thrill of the chase I’m enjoying? Maybe it’s the extra attention, someone who finds me attractive and tells me about it? Could it be that I’ve hit the age that I could use a little reinforcement and I’m just latching onto whatever I can get? A wise friend asked me to think about whether it was worth losing my family over, the answer is no. I know the answer in my heart, it’s just my damned head that can’t figure it out. I’m so confused. I want to stop it and move on one minute and the other minute I’m thinking of how I can talk to him, see him, hear him laugh, watch him move. I just figured once he was out of the picture for a couple of days my life would be back to normal and I’d forget all about him. I’m still waiting.
The one good thing to come of this: the guilt sex is amazing! Much better than makeup sex. Heck, the husband may encourage it if he knew it was what was getting him so happy! Nah, I don’t think I can justify it like that either, but it was worth a shot to think of it like that.
Please don’t rip me a new one, I know I’m making a mistake. I also know it won’t go any further than it already has. I just have to get it out of my system and move on. I’ll keep you updated. Thanks for letting me butt in at butfirst….
So, if you, or someone you know, has a story they'd like to share with the free world but are unable for whatever reason to put it on their own blog then please feel free to email me at aproka@sbcglobal.net.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
At what point do you let a friend go?
What is the pivotal point where you just don't bother with them anymore?
I love her dearly, but she's just not the same person anymore. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm not the same person anymore. She doesn't return my phone calls, doesn't remember things she tells me (or thinks she's told me things when she hasn't), only comes over if she wants/needs something.... I could go on. When do I decide that I've had enough? Is it wrong of me to want more from her?
She didn't even come over to see my new curtains until I practically cornered her...... so sad.
My new friend, Dr. T, is simply amazing. I simply can't say enough great things about her. She's wicked smart about damn near everything. She knows pretty much everything there is to know about medicine, she has insight and amazing skills and she's just hilarious to be around. I swear she gets me like no one else.
I'm truly lucky to know her, to call her friend.
Another of my friends, who shall remain anonymous, is turning into a a high class trollop. She's desperately horny and her little rabbit friend just isn't enough. Granted, it's gotta be hard being single and horny, but gimme a break! LOL She's been doing the internet dating thing and bless her heart she's meeting men and getting out there. I'm so proud of her that she's trying. I wish I had her drive and motivation. She wants a man for sex but not much of anything else. The guys she's been dating are in shock that she really only wants sex. Sex her up and find the door, really, get the fuck out. Her stories are hilarious, her escapades are to die for and her friendship is simply divine!
Here's another question for you...... What kind of friend gives a creditor your cell phone number and defaults on a loan? Helloooooooo, don't they realize that the creditor is going to call you to get you to try to get your friend to pay their bills? I was speechless, I was waiting for Punk'd to knock on my door during the entire call!
Alrighty, I've bitched, I've whined, I've vented and now I'm outta here. I sure hope I have friends left tomorrow. LOL
What is the pivotal point where you just don't bother with them anymore?
I love her dearly, but she's just not the same person anymore. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm not the same person anymore. She doesn't return my phone calls, doesn't remember things she tells me (or thinks she's told me things when she hasn't), only comes over if she wants/needs something.... I could go on. When do I decide that I've had enough? Is it wrong of me to want more from her?
She didn't even come over to see my new curtains until I practically cornered her...... so sad.
My new friend, Dr. T, is simply amazing. I simply can't say enough great things about her. She's wicked smart about damn near everything. She knows pretty much everything there is to know about medicine, she has insight and amazing skills and she's just hilarious to be around. I swear she gets me like no one else.
I'm truly lucky to know her, to call her friend.
Another of my friends, who shall remain anonymous, is turning into a a high class trollop. She's desperately horny and her little rabbit friend just isn't enough. Granted, it's gotta be hard being single and horny, but gimme a break! LOL She's been doing the internet dating thing and bless her heart she's meeting men and getting out there. I'm so proud of her that she's trying. I wish I had her drive and motivation. She wants a man for sex but not much of anything else. The guys she's been dating are in shock that she really only wants sex. Sex her up and find the door, really, get the fuck out. Her stories are hilarious, her escapades are to die for and her friendship is simply divine!
Here's another question for you...... What kind of friend gives a creditor your cell phone number and defaults on a loan? Helloooooooo, don't they realize that the creditor is going to call you to get you to try to get your friend to pay their bills? I was speechless, I was waiting for Punk'd to knock on my door during the entire call!
Alrighty, I've bitched, I've whined, I've vented and now I'm outta here. I sure hope I have friends left tomorrow. LOL
Sunday, June 17, 2007
call me Grace
It seems like Sundays are the only time I can get to blog. Sucks, but true.
On Monday, my new cell phone came in. I got a Motorola KRZR and it's AWESOME!!!!!!! I love it, there are so many new features I don't know how I'll ever learn them all but they are way kewl! I'd link it but I'm too lazy right now. LOL
After work I went to Tulsa to my support group meeting. We had a trade show and I helped Dr. T with her products. I earned enough dough to buy myself one of those really sharp looking medical alert ID bracelets. It's custom designed, custom fit to my wrist, sterling silver and very pretty. I am so glad I was able to afford it! I'll be sure to post a pic once I get it next month.
Tuesday I should have gone to Joplin to see my favorite sister (ok, she's the only one who knows I'm alive, but I'll take it) but due to the freak flooding in Joplin and the rain that was coming down we decided to pass the visit to her next trip in August. I sure do miss her though, those boys (MY NEPHEWS!!!!!!!) too. Oh well, that's life. Sucks though. Since I didn't go see her, I decided to wade through the rest of my Pampered Chef stuff that came in and wow, that stuff is fun to play with! I had 7 boxes come in between Friday and Tuesday it was like Christmas!!!!!! Tuesday night I unloaded and separated orders and put MY stuff away. I had empty boxes coming out of my ears and the trash was full so I decided to load the empties in Bob's truck and take them to a dumpster downtown. Unfortunately I shouldn't be allowed to walk and breathe at the same time and I literally fell, head first, off my back porch. My head missed the front bumper of the truck by inches. I scraped up and bruised my right knee, left knee, shin and ankle and my left forearm and batwing (the jiggly part under the arm). I look like I've been dragged through hell.
Bob panicked and MWH just stared. I just knew my ankle was broken but I hopped right up, dusted the grass and dirt off and climbed up the stairs back into the house. I had to be strong. Bob was wiggin' out on me. LOL
I sat around for a while so the blood could clot. Took a bath to soak and clean the wounds. Drove the truck to town and hauled off the empty boxes and the trash. I was so stupid. LOL When I went to bed I was in so much pain it wasn't funny. I woke up around 1:00 am and was freezing cold and shaking I was hurting so bad. I took a pain pill and that didn't help. I was up all night. Miserable.
Wednesday and Thursday everyone was amazed that I came to work and was walking on it. My ankle looked horrible. It was 3 times the size it should have been, HUGE!!!!! Thursday my left foot turned black all the way around the heel and along the long part of my foot. Everyone kept telling me it was broken but I just kept saying that I didn't think so, I could walk on it and it didn't hurt more than just a simple sprain.
Friday morning I had to take MWH to the doctor to get her camp physical so I let the physician's assistant who I keep saying I won't go back to look at it and he, of course, ordered x-rays.
The x-ray tech moved my leg and foot, poked and proded and I wanted to bitch slap her 'cause she was just being a total bitch. We got the films and took them back down to the PA and he decided that it wasn't broken.
Hellooooooo, I've been saying that all along! Only now I'm $75 poorer and the sympathy train I had planned on riding out for the weekend has totally derailed! UGH! I'm still in pain, still limping, still swollen and STILL being called "Trip". Yeah, life sucks sometimes. LOL I also got a tetanus shot and it's been well over 48 hours now and my arm still fucking hurts like hell.
Saturday we went to Joplin and I faced one of my many fears. Shoe Carnival. I hate clowns (and birds) and that place is just NOT one of the chosen stores I consider shopping at a lot but I heard they were having a big sale and money trumps all so I went in. Granted, I was on high alert for the red nosed fuckers but I didn't see any so it was worth it! I got a pair of Sketchers for $17.50 and fully consider the trip to have been worth it! I love pure white shoes, no color, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I found a pair on sale! They're even the little petite kind that I wanted, I'm so happy! WOO HOO! We went to Sears, Bath & Body Works, Old Navy, Rue 21 and a few other stores while there. We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and I wasn't impressed. One place I don't care to go back to....... Then we went to Acadamy where MWH got a new snorkel and mask, my water baby loves her pool toys.
Today is Father's Day and we don't have any plans. Bob is NOT my father so I'm not doing anything for him. I did call my adopted dad, the ol' Cody Coyote, to tell him Happy Father's Day. I think I surprised him. LOL
If you are a dad and are reading this, HAPPY DAD'S DAY TO YOU!!!!!!
On Monday, my new cell phone came in. I got a Motorola KRZR and it's AWESOME!!!!!!! I love it, there are so many new features I don't know how I'll ever learn them all but they are way kewl! I'd link it but I'm too lazy right now. LOL
After work I went to Tulsa to my support group meeting. We had a trade show and I helped Dr. T with her products. I earned enough dough to buy myself one of those really sharp looking medical alert ID bracelets. It's custom designed, custom fit to my wrist, sterling silver and very pretty. I am so glad I was able to afford it! I'll be sure to post a pic once I get it next month.
Tuesday I should have gone to Joplin to see my favorite sister (ok, she's the only one who knows I'm alive, but I'll take it) but due to the freak flooding in Joplin and the rain that was coming down we decided to pass the visit to her next trip in August. I sure do miss her though, those boys (MY NEPHEWS!!!!!!!) too. Oh well, that's life. Sucks though. Since I didn't go see her, I decided to wade through the rest of my Pampered Chef stuff that came in and wow, that stuff is fun to play with! I had 7 boxes come in between Friday and Tuesday it was like Christmas!!!!!! Tuesday night I unloaded and separated orders and put MY stuff away. I had empty boxes coming out of my ears and the trash was full so I decided to load the empties in Bob's truck and take them to a dumpster downtown. Unfortunately I shouldn't be allowed to walk and breathe at the same time and I literally fell, head first, off my back porch. My head missed the front bumper of the truck by inches. I scraped up and bruised my right knee, left knee, shin and ankle and my left forearm and batwing (the jiggly part under the arm). I look like I've been dragged through hell.
Bob panicked and MWH just stared. I just knew my ankle was broken but I hopped right up, dusted the grass and dirt off and climbed up the stairs back into the house. I had to be strong. Bob was wiggin' out on me. LOL
I sat around for a while so the blood could clot. Took a bath to soak and clean the wounds. Drove the truck to town and hauled off the empty boxes and the trash. I was so stupid. LOL When I went to bed I was in so much pain it wasn't funny. I woke up around 1:00 am and was freezing cold and shaking I was hurting so bad. I took a pain pill and that didn't help. I was up all night. Miserable.
Wednesday and Thursday everyone was amazed that I came to work and was walking on it. My ankle looked horrible. It was 3 times the size it should have been, HUGE!!!!! Thursday my left foot turned black all the way around the heel and along the long part of my foot. Everyone kept telling me it was broken but I just kept saying that I didn't think so, I could walk on it and it didn't hurt more than just a simple sprain.
Friday morning I had to take MWH to the doctor to get her camp physical so I let the physician's assistant who I keep saying I won't go back to look at it and he, of course, ordered x-rays.
The x-ray tech moved my leg and foot, poked and proded and I wanted to bitch slap her 'cause she was just being a total bitch. We got the films and took them back down to the PA and he decided that it wasn't broken.
Hellooooooo, I've been saying that all along! Only now I'm $75 poorer and the sympathy train I had planned on riding out for the weekend has totally derailed! UGH! I'm still in pain, still limping, still swollen and STILL being called "Trip". Yeah, life sucks sometimes. LOL I also got a tetanus shot and it's been well over 48 hours now and my arm still fucking hurts like hell.
Saturday we went to Joplin and I faced one of my many fears. Shoe Carnival. I hate clowns (and birds) and that place is just NOT one of the chosen stores I consider shopping at a lot but I heard they were having a big sale and money trumps all so I went in. Granted, I was on high alert for the red nosed fuckers but I didn't see any so it was worth it! I got a pair of Sketchers for $17.50 and fully consider the trip to have been worth it! I love pure white shoes, no color, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I found a pair on sale! They're even the little petite kind that I wanted, I'm so happy! WOO HOO! We went to Sears, Bath & Body Works, Old Navy, Rue 21 and a few other stores while there. We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and I wasn't impressed. One place I don't care to go back to....... Then we went to Acadamy where MWH got a new snorkel and mask, my water baby loves her pool toys.
Today is Father's Day and we don't have any plans. Bob is NOT my father so I'm not doing anything for him. I did call my adopted dad, the ol' Cody Coyote, to tell him Happy Father's Day. I think I surprised him. LOL
If you are a dad and are reading this, HAPPY DAD'S DAY TO YOU!!!!!!
chaos: welcome to my life,
holy shit,
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Sooooooo much of life
It's Sunday night and I don't have Desperate Housewives or Brothers and Sisters to watch. I don't have any DVD's waiting to be viewed before I take them back. And there are no urgent things in my life so I find myself here, blogging.
Last weekend was in-fucking-tense.
Saturday I had a Pampered Chef party and even though my house wasn't dirty it wasn't clean. Bob took Miss Whineyhiney to Silver Dollar City at first light and I sat there, alone, in an empty house....... grinning ear to ear like the Cheshire cat.
I had made plans with my mom to come over and help me finish the cleaning. We bleached, we mopped, we folded, we vacuumed (with the Rainbow) and we crashed. I went to Wal-Mart for groceries for the recipe I had chosen, Spicy Shrimp Ceviche Cups, and for paper goods and what not for the party. Oh my gawd was I excited!! The last party I had thrown, a House of Lloyd party, had not turned out well and I was seriously doubting my sanity. (Seriously, the last party I had, the consultant FORGOT about me and she even called me the night before to remind me! UGH! So I sat there with a house full of people ready to buy shit and no seller..... oh yeah, a real fucking nightmare!!) Mom and I had the house cleaned and candles burning and oh it smelled yummy. The air conditioner was going so the house was almost too cold. I had my new trifle bowl on the table with ice in it (very creative if you ask me). I had cookies and cheese its, sodas and tea. I was ready. My table cloth was coordinated to match my cups, plates and napkins. I was ready! The consultant showed up at 4:00 as promised and things went well, very well. I had room for everyone who showed and I think we had a great time! I had one come late, two leave early and everyone else just stayed and had a few laughs, some good ceviche cups and a few laughs. I really was surprised. For a small party I don't think I did too bad, I had nearly $600 in sales and to me, that was awesome! I've even decided to become a Pampered Chef consultant. Yeah, I know, that is a big step, but hey, I might like it and if I don't I'll still have some really cool cooking gadgets that are all mine to play with!
I really liked my ceviche recipe, I can see me making those with other fillings. Very yummy, the pan is in the consultant kit that should be here Monday. Sweeeet.
After the party my new friend Dr. T invited me to go to the Stables with her. I'd been cleaning all day and really needed to get out so I decided to take her up on it. We had barely sat down and T hit $1,500.00 on a quarter machine. I nearly fell out of my chair I was so excited for her! She decided that we needed to celebrate so we headed to the bar and well, that's where my night gets a bit blurry. I had 2 glasses of wine and got completely drunk. I hadn't eaten dinner and that is a bad thing for someone like me. LOL
We'd only been at the casino for about 45 minutes when we decided to leave but Bob and MWH were home and I was drunk and it was not a warm homecoming. LOL Bob had never (in 17 years of marriage) seen me that drunk. I went straight to bed, I didn't give a rats ass about himor anything else. I had such a fantastic day and NOTHING was going to get me down. I woke up Sunday morning with a hang over. I hadn't had a hang over since I was about 15 or so, that is a weird feeling.
Bob wasn't too upset with me Sunday and considering we had a kitchen window to replace and he wanted my help he was pretty darn nice to me. LOL
It took forever, but he (we) got it in and it looks great. I even made curtains for it Tuesday (see previous post) and they still look great if you ask me!
The week at work went well. Busy, busy busy. I'm getting a new job soon and I'm terribly nervous. I'm going from the front reception desk to a desk in the back. I'll be a legal secretary again and I'm nervous and excited about it. I've been with this firm for a year this month and wow has time flown by!!!!!
Friday after work I went to babysit for a friend of mine. She fosters kids and the baby she has now is absolutely adorable. She is a chunk and giggles a lot. She's so spoiled but she's starting to get used to me....... finally.
We had made plans to go camping this weekend and it was after 9:00 before I met up with Bob and MWH at the dam. I'm so lucky, they got there early and set up the tent and it was all good to go. Sweet.
We woke up early Saturday morning to the sound of birds calling and other nature sounds, it was so refreshing. I slept so well Friday night. Bob had a nice fire going so I cooked catastrophe on the open fire in my cast iron dutch oven. It was amazing. I didn't burn it and everything tasted so yummy. After breakfast we all donned on our safety gear and loaded onto the ATV's and headed out to the wild blue yonder. The dam was still wet and muddy and we slid around like nobody's business. I ruined my Nikes (ok, I deliberately wore them so I would get them dirty and have an excuse to buy new shoes) in the mud and I giggled like an idiot when Bob slid around in the loose mud going up hill. We truly had a great morning. We headed back in to town to get some lunch and to buy some meat for dinner. We ate lunch at this little Mexican place and I had the best carne asada sandwich. I couldn't tell you the name of what I had but it was soooooooo yummy. Bob had crispy tacos and MWH had soft tacos, we all decided that place was definitely one to go back to! We bought cheesey hot dogs for dinner and headed back to camp to put our groceries in the cooler and change into our swim suits. We drove by Little Blue but it looked crowded so we headed over to the state park to swim. Holy shit the water was cold. Nipple hardening cold. It took me forever to wade out to where the water was up to my neck, I kept moving around for warm spots, obviously Bob wasn't peeing enough. LOL
We swam for about an hour and the beach seemed to triple with beachcomers so we headed back to camp to clean up. Our camp has hot showers and man that felt good!!!!! We cooked hot dogs and sat around the camp fire and read. Bob and MWH went for a ride and I read some more. I went and laid down in the tent and read until I fell asleep. It was heaven, pure heaven. They came back and we all went for another ride. The sky was blue, the air was cool and the wind was blowing perfectly. Every now and then though we'd see a bolt of lightening off in the distance....... giving us a hint of what was to come. We ignored the threats and rode on. I was riding with Bob and MWH was riding alone and grinning from ear to ear. A perfect day. We got to the end of our path and headed back and it started sprinkling. We were riding in the rain, smiling, enjoying the cool breezes and boom, it started pouring. I hopped off our ATV and got on with MWH while Bob raced back to camp to close the flaps on our tent. MWH and I rode back in the pouring rain and she was so happy. She just couldn't get enough. Bob came back and met up with us and we all rode in to camp together, parked the ATV's and hopped into the dry Jeep to towel off and laugh like hyenas!!!!!!!! That was sooooooooo much fun!
We went into town and had ice cream at Sonic and waited for the storm to blow over. It took about an hour but it did. The rain didn't get inside the tent and our beds were dry so we went to bed and had a good nights sleep (ok, maybe not Bob, but I sure as hell did). I'd had a great day, lots of good food, a great book, fresh air, a nice ride and my kid grinning from ear to ear on that last ride...... perfect.
Sunday we packed up and headed home. We were home and unpacked by 10:00 and Bob took a nap and I read my Sunday papers. Ah, heaven. I sorted through the first 3 boxes of my Pampered Chef orders and got them ready for delivery. MWH and I did loads and loads of laundry. And I fondled over items I should have bought but ran out of money before I could. LOL
The afternoon was also good, a typical Sunday Wal-Mart run for groceries followed by relaxation. We even decided to go to an afternoon movie. MWH saw Surf's Up while Bob and I saw Knocked Up.
It sounds like the storm is getting stronger, I think I'm going to get off here for now but I will be back, it may be a few days but I'll be back........
Last weekend was in-fucking-tense.
Saturday I had a Pampered Chef party and even though my house wasn't dirty it wasn't clean. Bob took Miss Whineyhiney to Silver Dollar City at first light and I sat there, alone, in an empty house....... grinning ear to ear like the Cheshire cat.
I had made plans with my mom to come over and help me finish the cleaning. We bleached, we mopped, we folded, we vacuumed (with the Rainbow) and we crashed. I went to Wal-Mart for groceries for the recipe I had chosen, Spicy Shrimp Ceviche Cups, and for paper goods and what not for the party. Oh my gawd was I excited!! The last party I had thrown, a House of Lloyd party, had not turned out well and I was seriously doubting my sanity. (Seriously, the last party I had, the consultant FORGOT about me and she even called me the night before to remind me! UGH! So I sat there with a house full of people ready to buy shit and no seller..... oh yeah, a real fucking nightmare!!) Mom and I had the house cleaned and candles burning and oh it smelled yummy. The air conditioner was going so the house was almost too cold. I had my new trifle bowl on the table with ice in it (very creative if you ask me). I had cookies and cheese its, sodas and tea. I was ready. My table cloth was coordinated to match my cups, plates and napkins. I was ready! The consultant showed up at 4:00 as promised and things went well, very well. I had room for everyone who showed and I think we had a great time! I had one come late, two leave early and everyone else just stayed and had a few laughs, some good ceviche cups and a few laughs. I really was surprised. For a small party I don't think I did too bad, I had nearly $600 in sales and to me, that was awesome! I've even decided to become a Pampered Chef consultant. Yeah, I know, that is a big step, but hey, I might like it and if I don't I'll still have some really cool cooking gadgets that are all mine to play with!
I really liked my ceviche recipe, I can see me making those with other fillings. Very yummy, the pan is in the consultant kit that should be here Monday. Sweeeet.
After the party my new friend Dr. T invited me to go to the Stables with her. I'd been cleaning all day and really needed to get out so I decided to take her up on it. We had barely sat down and T hit $1,500.00 on a quarter machine. I nearly fell out of my chair I was so excited for her! She decided that we needed to celebrate so we headed to the bar and well, that's where my night gets a bit blurry. I had 2 glasses of wine and got completely drunk. I hadn't eaten dinner and that is a bad thing for someone like me. LOL
We'd only been at the casino for about 45 minutes when we decided to leave but Bob and MWH were home and I was drunk and it was not a warm homecoming. LOL Bob had never (in 17 years of marriage) seen me that drunk. I went straight to bed, I didn't give a rats ass about himor anything else. I had such a fantastic day and NOTHING was going to get me down. I woke up Sunday morning with a hang over. I hadn't had a hang over since I was about 15 or so, that is a weird feeling.
Bob wasn't too upset with me Sunday and considering we had a kitchen window to replace and he wanted my help he was pretty darn nice to me. LOL
It took forever, but he (we) got it in and it looks great. I even made curtains for it Tuesday (see previous post) and they still look great if you ask me!
The week at work went well. Busy, busy busy. I'm getting a new job soon and I'm terribly nervous. I'm going from the front reception desk to a desk in the back. I'll be a legal secretary again and I'm nervous and excited about it. I've been with this firm for a year this month and wow has time flown by!!!!!
Friday after work I went to babysit for a friend of mine. She fosters kids and the baby she has now is absolutely adorable. She is a chunk and giggles a lot. She's so spoiled but she's starting to get used to me....... finally.
We had made plans to go camping this weekend and it was after 9:00 before I met up with Bob and MWH at the dam. I'm so lucky, they got there early and set up the tent and it was all good to go. Sweet.
We woke up early Saturday morning to the sound of birds calling and other nature sounds, it was so refreshing. I slept so well Friday night. Bob had a nice fire going so I cooked catastrophe on the open fire in my cast iron dutch oven. It was amazing. I didn't burn it and everything tasted so yummy. After breakfast we all donned on our safety gear and loaded onto the ATV's and headed out to the wild blue yonder. The dam was still wet and muddy and we slid around like nobody's business. I ruined my Nikes (ok, I deliberately wore them so I would get them dirty and have an excuse to buy new shoes) in the mud and I giggled like an idiot when Bob slid around in the loose mud going up hill. We truly had a great morning. We headed back in to town to get some lunch and to buy some meat for dinner. We ate lunch at this little Mexican place and I had the best carne asada sandwich. I couldn't tell you the name of what I had but it was soooooooo yummy. Bob had crispy tacos and MWH had soft tacos, we all decided that place was definitely one to go back to! We bought cheesey hot dogs for dinner and headed back to camp to put our groceries in the cooler and change into our swim suits. We drove by Little Blue but it looked crowded so we headed over to the state park to swim. Holy shit the water was cold. Nipple hardening cold. It took me forever to wade out to where the water was up to my neck, I kept moving around for warm spots, obviously Bob wasn't peeing enough. LOL
We swam for about an hour and the beach seemed to triple with beachcomers so we headed back to camp to clean up. Our camp has hot showers and man that felt good!!!!! We cooked hot dogs and sat around the camp fire and read. Bob and MWH went for a ride and I read some more. I went and laid down in the tent and read until I fell asleep. It was heaven, pure heaven. They came back and we all went for another ride. The sky was blue, the air was cool and the wind was blowing perfectly. Every now and then though we'd see a bolt of lightening off in the distance....... giving us a hint of what was to come. We ignored the threats and rode on. I was riding with Bob and MWH was riding alone and grinning from ear to ear. A perfect day. We got to the end of our path and headed back and it started sprinkling. We were riding in the rain, smiling, enjoying the cool breezes and boom, it started pouring. I hopped off our ATV and got on with MWH while Bob raced back to camp to close the flaps on our tent. MWH and I rode back in the pouring rain and she was so happy. She just couldn't get enough. Bob came back and met up with us and we all rode in to camp together, parked the ATV's and hopped into the dry Jeep to towel off and laugh like hyenas!!!!!!!! That was sooooooooo much fun!
We went into town and had ice cream at Sonic and waited for the storm to blow over. It took about an hour but it did. The rain didn't get inside the tent and our beds were dry so we went to bed and had a good nights sleep (ok, maybe not Bob, but I sure as hell did). I'd had a great day, lots of good food, a great book, fresh air, a nice ride and my kid grinning from ear to ear on that last ride...... perfect.
Sunday we packed up and headed home. We were home and unpacked by 10:00 and Bob took a nap and I read my Sunday papers. Ah, heaven. I sorted through the first 3 boxes of my Pampered Chef orders and got them ready for delivery. MWH and I did loads and loads of laundry. And I fondled over items I should have bought but ran out of money before I could. LOL
The afternoon was also good, a typical Sunday Wal-Mart run for groceries followed by relaxation. We even decided to go to an afternoon movie. MWH saw Surf's Up while Bob and I saw Knocked Up.
It sounds like the storm is getting stronger, I think I'm going to get off here for now but I will be back, it may be a few days but I'll be back........
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I am sew not scared
I do promise a weekend update later, right now though I have to BRAG!
Bob put in my kitchen window this weekend (major story behind that). I didn't want to put up another mini blind so I measured and headed to, where else, Wal-Mart in search of a kitchen curtain to suit my eclectic taste. I found a lovely ivy tier set that was affordable and bought it but the panel was too long, way too long. I didn't really want to sew it to fit so I decided that if I was going to have to sew anything I was going to sew what I wanted so I went BACK to Wal-Mart in search of ......
brace yourself......
Yes. I vowed to make curtains.
To sew.
No, crack was not involved.
I purchased fabric. I purchased thread. I broke out in a sweat. I second guessed myself. I questioned my sanity. I pinched myself repeatedly to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
The patern I chose was a lovely green based polka dotted patern with bright white daisy's with little yellow centers. There's a wide border at the base that says "All Things Grow With Love".
Still, no crack.
I measured, I pondered, I sweat some more. And yes, I cut.
I cut into the fabric with vigor and enthusiasm.
I prepared my sewing machine and ironing board. I wound a new bobbin and tested it. It was wound wrong so I had to start again..... ugh. The second time was the charm and my stitches looked great and pretty much, to my surprise, were straight! I sewed with passion and determination. I sewed and ironed and made it look good. I got the bottom and the top of my first panel just perfectly. I was so proud. Ah, I was so stupid. You gotta do the sides first......
Ok, my second panel though turned out fabulously. I did the sides first and then the bottom. I went onto the second panel before I finished the top of the first panel and I swear I looked like I knew what I was doing yet I did not! I amazed myself with my wisdom!!!!! There's nothing I can't do if I just try!
So, now my curtains are done and I'm so proud! Here are some pics, I'm truly tickled with how well they turned out!


Bob put in my kitchen window this weekend (major story behind that). I didn't want to put up another mini blind so I measured and headed to, where else, Wal-Mart in search of a kitchen curtain to suit my eclectic taste. I found a lovely ivy tier set that was affordable and bought it but the panel was too long, way too long. I didn't really want to sew it to fit so I decided that if I was going to have to sew anything I was going to sew what I wanted so I went BACK to Wal-Mart in search of ......
brace yourself......
Yes. I vowed to make curtains.
To sew.
No, crack was not involved.
I purchased fabric. I purchased thread. I broke out in a sweat. I second guessed myself. I questioned my sanity. I pinched myself repeatedly to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
The patern I chose was a lovely green based polka dotted patern with bright white daisy's with little yellow centers. There's a wide border at the base that says "All Things Grow With Love".
Still, no crack.
I measured, I pondered, I sweat some more. And yes, I cut.
I cut into the fabric with vigor and enthusiasm.
I prepared my sewing machine and ironing board. I wound a new bobbin and tested it. It was wound wrong so I had to start again..... ugh. The second time was the charm and my stitches looked great and pretty much, to my surprise, were straight! I sewed with passion and determination. I sewed and ironed and made it look good. I got the bottom and the top of my first panel just perfectly. I was so proud. Ah, I was so stupid. You gotta do the sides first......
Ok, my second panel though turned out fabulously. I did the sides first and then the bottom. I went onto the second panel before I finished the top of the first panel and I swear I looked like I knew what I was doing yet I did not! I amazed myself with my wisdom!!!!! There's nothing I can't do if I just try!
So, now my curtains are done and I'm so proud! Here are some pics, I'm truly tickled with how well they turned out!



I had to go to the courthouse this morning for work.
My "job" was to go to the 3rd floor and find a judge and to file some papers. It was at the same time as the arraignments so it was full of people who are "innocent until proven guilty" and let me tell you it was FULL. Standing. Room. Only.
So, I run around and get my papers signed and filed and I go to leave and as I'm leaving a man taps me on the shoulder. I turned around and he said he'd followed me down from the 3rd floor and wanted to ask me out for a cup of coffee.
I smiled at the man and kindly said no. First, I work for a law firm and I know that the only people her at the courthouse at this time are people who are being arraigned and unless you've got a bar card it probably wasn't going to happen. Second, my husband of 17 years frowns on me dating. And, third, Jimmy, I've known you since I was 12. You're my cousin's cousin.
All he could say was shit.
I love being thinner, no one recognizes me anymore.
My "job" was to go to the 3rd floor and find a judge and to file some papers. It was at the same time as the arraignments so it was full of people who are "innocent until proven guilty" and let me tell you it was FULL. Standing. Room. Only.
So, I run around and get my papers signed and filed and I go to leave and as I'm leaving a man taps me on the shoulder. I turned around and he said he'd followed me down from the 3rd floor and wanted to ask me out for a cup of coffee.
I smiled at the man and kindly said no. First, I work for a law firm and I know that the only people her at the courthouse at this time are people who are being arraigned and unless you've got a bar card it probably wasn't going to happen. Second, my husband of 17 years frowns on me dating. And, third, Jimmy, I've known you since I was 12. You're my cousin's cousin.
All he could say was shit.
I love being thinner, no one recognizes me anymore.
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