Monday, January 15, 2007


Due to the 4 to 6 inches of ice blanketing my lovely little Mayberry town, I'm home from work again today. Bob is not happy. Bob had to work today.

I, on the other hand, stayed home, watched movies that I pvr'd on DISH and did laundry and dishes. I did laundry all weekend and then did more today. I did mountains of laundry. So much laundry it made me wonder where the hell we got all the clothes from. Lemme tell ya, my kid is so spoiled, she has way too many clothes.

Luckily I go back to work tomorrow, luckily...... Too bad our computers are still down. UGH!

On a good note, my sister sent me a lovely package Friday. It's so nice to come home to mail during the noon hour!! Especially when you have gifts, that rawks!!!!! She got me the sweetest pewter Sister bracelet and a pair of sterling silver hoop earrings. She also sent MWH her Christmas gift too. I, on the other hand, suck. I haven't mailed out Christmas pictures or sent their gifts. My nephews are younger than MWH and Christmas is for the kids, why do I procrastinate so? I haven't even mailed out Joey's birthday gifts and I bought them in AUGUST!!!!!!! I don't know what's wrong with me......

Ok, so to the title: Interpretation. I've been thinking (ok, nothing good can come from that) and it amazes me how different people interpret the same thing so radically different. I can't give specific details here, I don't want to offend anyone and the guts of my epiphany is from a conversation with fellow blogger, but it just freakin' amazes me.

Please, the next time though you think that something sucks, step back and look at it from someone else's perspective. Think about it from the other side. What if you didn't have your memories, your history, but theirs instead.

I pity some people, feel so sorry for them because of what they do to themselves and to their kids. Granted, I'm no saint, but I don't feed my family chewing gum for dinner either. LOL

I know there is more that I need to do and say but I've got to pee, too much tea today. The dinner dishes are crying out for attention and Bob is ready for bed.

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