Thursday, January 11, 2007


Yes, I feel empowered. Yes, it feels good, damn good.

I've had one of those self inking XStamper date stamps here since I started, and it's needed inking... Sadly though, inking has never been one of my strong suits. For years I have been plagued with the mystifying inability to re-ink. I break out in a sweat just thinking of the messy task. I fear ink. I'm just not good at stuff like that. I mean, I even have found it challenging to put the dishwasher gel in the dishwasher tray at times. Ok, granted, I may have been drunk and maybe it wasn't dishwasher gel, but I thought it was and that's all that matters.

I often fantasize about my inker being involved in some sort of fatal accident where we'd have to buy a new one rather than just re-ink it. I'm on the 6th floor of a building, you'd think that it might fall out of a window or something, luckily (for the XStamper) our windows don't open up here....

But I digress. I'm sure you're asking yourself how long I can milk this. Did I manage to fill it full of ink without covering myself, the desk, the office and all of downtown Miami in ink????

I have a dear friend who changes all of her ink using machinery wearing gloves, an apron and a baseball cap. I have to admit, the thought of that makes me giggle like a school girl, but damn, deep down I know she's smart and I envy her ability. Mrs. Coach got skills!!!!!!

So, I've been here at this job for over 6 months, 6 months of needing to be re-inked. I break down and tell the First Bitch to order me some ink, I am out. So she does and I'll be damned if Quill doesn't get it here the very. next. fucking. day.

Free overnight shipping is a re-inkers night mare!!!!!!!!

The ink is here. It sits on my desk for weeks because I'm chicken. I'm so scared that I'll make a mess and still be ink less.

Then I have a brain fart and decide to make it my New Years resolution to master re-inking. I mean, come on, it's plastic, I'm 34. I graduated high school. I have 29 hours of junior college. Hell, I was even on the Dean's Honor Roll. It can be done. Trained monkeys could do it. Dammit, I could do it!!

So I look at the unit and it has screws but no place to insert the ink tube things..... I'm deflated. How can I ever do this? I go online to research how to reink it and viola!, like magic, I find the .pdf instructions and print it out but after reading all the fine print I realize that it doesn't discuss MY stamper!

Again with the deflation...... To make a long story short (ok, sorry, too late), I sat here this morning and read. the. fucking. ink. refill. package. and it oddly enough it worked just fine.

I got no ink on meeeeeeeeeeee, no ink on me desk, no ink on my clothes, not even a drop on my fingers!!!! I'm sooooooo excited.

I have met my first New Year's resolution and I lived to tell the world about it.


MamaKBear said...


Girl, you crack me up sometimes! April: 1
Ink: 0

Good for you! :)

cruella said...

Simply amazine, the kid from Quapaw is AWESOME......not one drop spilled or wasted!!!! OK, what's next on New Year's resolution list????

Matt said...

It's good to have goals. :) *thumbs up*

Queen Of Cheese said...

Thank goodness you got it because I was not coming to your office in my "I Love Smores" apron to ink your stamper.