Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good News or Bad News???? You make the call

It's now Wednesday and we've had wicked winter weather since Friday. Ice. Thick. Cold. Hard. Solid. Ice. The weather started coming Friday, we closed the office early. The ice and snow caused school to be closed Monday, Tuesday and again Wednesday. Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and we had made appointments so we planned on working but due to the 4 to 6 inches of ice we didn't.

Monday evening into Tuesday morning there was an overnight low of 4 degrees. That's cold people. Nipple hardening cold. Make me gotta peeeeeeeeeee cold. It hasn't been above freezing for, well, I just don't remember anymore.

I just found out that school has officially been cancelled for the remainder of the week.

And, if that weren't enough news, they're calling for 12 inches of snow Sunday. It's been snowing here this afternoon, big, white, fluffy, magical, sleepy, drifty, beautiful flakes.

I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy with the weather right now. Miss Whineyhiney is driving me insane. This is why I only had one child. If I had more than one I'd probably be locked up in a looney bin by now because of the incessant chants of "Mom, I'm bored....." or "Mom, what time are we leaving" or, oh, hell, just plain old "Mom...". God help us all. LOL

I'd also be poor(er). Do you realize how much a day of daycare is? It's fucking incredible!!!!!!! And, a lot of daycare centers charge you even if you don't bring your kid!! Some close when the schools close so you have no choice but to miss work and stay home with your kids and even if they're closed they expect to be paid anyway! It's a racket I tell ya, a racket! LOL

Believe it or not I did a good thing today. A co-worker lives in Grove and is out of power at her house. She's been living at a Red Cross shelter for a few days and when she heard we had a generator she wanted to borrow it. Well I was going home with her and her hubby to get it and I slid on the ice and knocked myself nearly unconscious. My entire left side is sore, my head and neck are hurting and my pride is seriously bruised. There were three people who were right there when it happened and everyone saw it plain as day. Sooooooooo embarassing! I swear I blacked out for a sec..... I'm still sore but ok and even if I weren't it's not like I'd do anything about it! LOL

So, if you see me in the next few days and I have a wild look in my eyes or I'm bawling like a baby, think nothing of it, just know that things will settle down as soon as the ice is melted away and my kid is back in school....... I hope.


Queen Of Cheese said...

Oh Good Lord! Is your beautiful new coat from Old Navy ok? I mean, your ok aren't you. Gosh that's awful! So far I haven't fell but until it's 75 degrees outside I'm not ruling it out!

MamaKBear said...

12 inches of snow!?!?! God help us all...

Sorry 'bout the fall, hope you're ok!

D said...

I can just see you! Poor thing! Did no one think to try to stop your fall? *OUCH* Hope you feel better soon!

I only wish we were getting 12 inches....of snow that is *G* We have finally gotten cold here in NC and as of today we finally have a little sleet & freezing rain. I hope you leave a some snow for us next week!

GERBEN said...

Oh my goodness girl! You better be careful! This ice and crap suck. I am so sick of it all.