Friday, March 07, 2008

Lesson of the Day

Sale vs. Sell

Do you know the difference between SALE and SELL?

Sale is when an item being sold. For sale is just for sale. On sale is on sale. Cheaper than the normal selling price. An item can be on sale and for sale but never, ever, ever can it be for sell. You can sell your sale items for sale while they're onsale (it's called a mark down) but just because something is for sale does not make it ON sale. UGH. Sell if usually past or future tense rather than present tense.

Sale is pronounced like sail, bail, frail, pail, rail.
Sell is pronounced like bell, fell, tell, spell, hell.

There is a difference between HELL and HAIL just as their is a difference between SELL and SALE.

I'm not going to get into the sail and cell issue here.

Also, there are 2 (TWO) "D"'s in didn't. It's not pronounced as dent or din'nt. DID'NT. not DIN'NT. not DIN'T.

Someone please, find the grammar police and send them to my life!

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