Friday, December 15, 2006


It's been ages *over a week!!* since I blogged. So not cool.

Let's see..... what happened in the past 8 days? Well, Friday I took off work to chaperone the chorus kids at WRMS to go to Tulsa to sing Christmas carols at the Promenade Mall. The teacher, the school counselor and me and 45 kids. I was the only parent who went. I had a blast and did a little Christmas shopping. I had lunch at Chic Fil A and I think it's my new favorite place to eat. They have these grilled chicken tenders in the kids meal and they are wonderful. They let you get a fruit cup rather than french fries and that totally rocks too! YUMMMMMMMM!

Friday night was our office Christmas party and had a fucking blast. My bosses are sooooooo cool, truly amazing. I had the best shrimp ever and I even drank a little! I had a little wine and W ordered me a redheaded slut or something like that. My first shot since my surgery. No, I didn't down it in one drink, I broke it up into 3 drinks, but damn it felt gooooood. After dinner and drinks and good company and a little dirty Santa, we gambled a little and went home. My dirty Santa gift was a stunning set of crystal wine glasses. Stunning. W's wife did a fantastic job in buying us girls gifts this year, I think everyone got what they wanted and were very pleased with what we got. When we got home it was midnight and we were flat out exhausted. Bob had to get up at 3:00 am to go to One Eye's to go duck hunting (his new passion). He was probably still drunk when he left but I really don't know because I was completely unconscious. MWH spent the night with a friend so I was alone but I still woke up before 6:00 am! What is up with that? I can NEVER sleep anymore. It was fine though, I laid on the couch and watched the movies that I'd PVR'd all week and hadn't had time to watch. Nice....

After I picked up MWH from her sleepover, I took a nice, long nap. Ahhhhhh. We had plans to go to the Christmas parade and to see Mrs. Coach and her fine family in the Nutcracker. The parade was actually pretty good this year! Usually there are a crap load of fillers and huge gaps between the different entrants, but not this year, they hoofed it and really kept the pace going! We had plenty of time to get over to NEO to see the Nutcracker.

MWH's friend who was in it actually sprained her ankle in the first scene. Oy vey.... Poor kid. Wait, when did I become Jewish? LOL Anyway, she's a trooper and just kept on going. She endured through both Saturday night's performance AND Sunday's matinee. Amazing child....

Sunday we did nothing, absolutely nothing. I was wiped.

Work has been good this week. Busy but good. I had my 6 month evaluation and got a nice, very nice, super sweet wonderful nice raise. I also got told how great I was doing and that means the world to me, the money is nice, ok, damned good, but to hear your boss say good things about you and how you do things is priceless.

I also now am UNDER 200 pounds. That is so fucking awesome. Words just can not say it. I'm wearing a size 16 jean and got called "hot" and "sexy" yesterday. Wow....

Tuesday I felt a little tickle in my throat and my nose, I could tell something was looming. I haven't really broken out into a full fledged anything but if I had stock in Kleenex I'd be loaded right now. My nose is leaking. I'm tired and my back and neck hurts. It's been a few days and it's not progressed into anything major so I think I'm lucky.

Oh, Tuesday I hit it pretty good at the casino. Well, not taxable good, but I put in $5 and walked away with $90. To me that is damned wonderful. Hellooooooo Christmas cash.

Tonight is a dance at MWH's school. PTSO is doing it and since I'm PTSO president it's me doing it. I'm so tired and I feel like I've let the kids down by not doing more. I should have gotten more door prizes and stuff but I didn't. I should have called more parents but I didn't. I'm sick. Bite me.

Bob's Christmas party is Saturday night and MWH and I are getting our hair done. I am hoping to do some pictures that afternoon so I can get someone to stop asking me to update my pic! LOL

Oh, I need some advice. I have Cingular and I want to upgrade my cell. I'm thinking of getting a RAZR or a SLVR. I just don't know how many songs you can put on them and do you have to use iTunes? There's also a couple Sony units that look good too. I want a camera and an MP3 player this time. I don't have to have a flip phone, oh the choices. I'd like a Palm Treo but I can't afford it since I blew all my bonus on diamond earrings and crap. LOL

Well, it's about time to get up and start my day, I'm outta here.


RJ said...

April .. can u pls .. um .. update your pic?

[giggles like a girl]

And how the heck you get up so darn early to post is beyond me girl!!


~ A P R I L ~ said...

I'll be taking pics today so please look for more pics soon, really.

Why was I up? Because I was sick.......