Monday, December 25, 2006

CHRISTMAS DAY!! Monday, Pajama Day: Day 4


Every year we say we're going to wait until Christmas morning to open our presents, but then every Christmas Eve I can't wait. So last night I decided the kid in me just couldn't wait and we opened the presents early again! Sheesh, I'm such a pushover. LOL

MWH played Santa and I swear she lost 2 pounds carrying all the gifts back and forth to each of us!

She got to open first (as usual, damned kid). When Bob said something about opening, I said yeah, let her, you know, "age before beauty". LOL MWH laughed and then realized what I said and scoweled at me. LOL Kids..... they're so funny! I swear of the first 7 gifts she opened 5 were shoes! She got winter boots, green Mary Jane crocs, American Eagle sneakers, Old Navy house slippers and some Soda waffle stompers. Bob asked me "ARE THERE ANY MORE SHOES!?" I said, I don't think so but hell I really didn't know. She got a tye dye hoodie and pants (with the strong stipulation that she couldn't wear both of them at the same time), lots of Tinkerbelle shirts, a green military jacket, a long, fur lined denim coat, tons of Bath & Body Works and The Body Shop body butters, lots of lipgloss, Aquamarine DVD, a silver phone purse, some glitter blush, the last 2 Charlie Bone books, a ton of other books (you gotta love Books-A-Million!!), two new bras (sooooooo embarrasing) and so much more!

Bob and MWH got me Natinal Treasure on DVD, a beautiful, super soft, deep purple fleece jacket from Bass Pro, some Vent Visors for my Jeep and the most gorgeous Brushed Nickel Wall Mount Pot and Wine Rack. I have no actual pot to hang from it so I think I'll just hang my new Krona pans from Cruella on it. LOL You can hang wine glasses from it too but I haven't done that yet. Bob got his skid plate, some hand guards, lots of DVD's (Slingblade, the X-Men trilogy and Liar, Liar) and some Old Navy shirts which I fully intend to break in for him. LOL

We all went to bed thinking that Christmas was done but oh, was MWH ever wrong!! Bob waited patiently (that's so hard for him) for us to get up and when we did, MWH discovered that Santa had left something in her stocking! Imagine that! She had a manual and a key!! LOOK WHAT SANTA BROUGHT!!!!

Based on the ear to ear grin and the bear hugs here, I'm guessing she really likes it.

MWH was really excited, Bob was tickled shitless that she was so happy and I am just beside myself that she looks so small on it. LOL Is that an ATV or a tank? Good grief!

We spent the afternoon being lazy, watching Slingblade and munched on leftovers for lunch. That ham was sooooooo good!! We had planned on ordering pizza but none of the pizza places were open! When we headed into town, all that was open were gas stations (some, not all), Movie Gallery and Taco Mayo! So, we decided to have Christmas dinner at Taco Mayo with about 40 other families. LOL The drive thru was packed and so was the dinning room, it was hilarious! Everyone was so nice though, laughing and having a good time. It wasn't a normal Taco Mayo experience but more of a Christmassy good tidings type of atmosphere, you could literally feel the Christmas spirit all around you.

After dinner, Bob made duck hunting plans with his friends and napped in his chair while MWH and I watched Aquamarine. Yeah, life is goooooood.

Here's today's pajama shot. This is one of the piles of boxes and wrapping and everything leftover as I was taking it out to the trash. I actually wore these pants Friday and slept in them Sunday night (yes, they were washed in between there) and I stayed in them all day today. Yep, I'm totally lazy. LOL I even wore them to Taco Mayo!

Blogger is seriously fucking me over tonight. My spacing is all wrong and I just don't care. Enjoy and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

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