Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I had to go to the courthouse this morning for work.

My "job" was to go to the 3rd floor and find a judge and to file some papers. It was at the same time as the arraignments so it was full of people who are "innocent until proven guilty" and let me tell you it was FULL. Standing. Room. Only.

So, I run around and get my papers signed and filed and I go to leave and as I'm leaving a man taps me on the shoulder. I turned around and he said he'd followed me down from the 3rd floor and wanted to ask me out for a cup of coffee.

I smiled at the man and kindly said no. First, I work for a law firm and I know that the only people her at the courthouse at this time are people who are being arraigned and unless you've got a bar card it probably wasn't going to happen. Second, my husband of 17 years frowns on me dating. And, third, Jimmy, I've known you since I was 12. You're my cousin's cousin.

All he could say was shit.

I love being thinner, no one recognizes me anymore.

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