Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A to Z Meme (stolen from Bexxie)

A- Available or Single? Um .. TAKEN!! I'll celebrate my 17th wedding anniversary in May
B- Best Friend? Terra, best, longest, oldest
C- Cake or Pie? Peanut butter pie please!!
D- Drink of Choice? Water or Bailey's & Cream
E- Essential Item? Cell phone, it's not that I use it much but I need it for the clock!!
F- Favorite Color? Greeeeeeen
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? ewwwwwww
H- Hometown? Miami, OK
I- Indulgence? Getting my nails done
J- January or February? February, it's shorter and seems to go by faster
K- Kids and names? One girl, Kaitlyn
L- Life is incomplete without…? My kid, she completes me
M- Marriage Date? May 12th, 1990
N- Number of Siblings? 3, half sisters, Kindel, Kelly and Kristi, all K's
O- Oranges or Apples? Either really, I like both
P- Phobias/Fears? Heights, clowns, birds.... yeah, I'm a wus
Q- Favorite Quote? I don't want to think right now......
R- Reasons to smile? Hearing my kid singing to her CD player (she refuses to get an MP3 player)
S- Season? WINTER!!!!!!! SNOW!!!!!!!!
T- Tag 3 people? Tag? ... can I punch instead? (I totally stole that from Bexxie!!)
U- Unknown Fact About Me? Hmmmm, let me get back to you on that one
V- Vegetable You Hate? Beets, are they a vegetable?
W-Worst Habit? Popping my knuckles or gas, not sure which is worse
X- Xrays You’ve Had? Back, shoulders, neck, teeth
Y- Your Favorite Foods? shrimp, scallops, Italian
Z- Zodiac? Taurus

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