Monday, January 08, 2007


I am flat out exhausted. Last night I just couldn't go to sleep. I tossed and turned all night. I don't know why, it was just one of those nights, but I knew that something bad was going to happen. Something wicked this way comes, I just knew it!! No matter I guess, it was Monday and I had to put on my big girl panties and face the day. I got up and got dressed and started my day with plenty of room to spare. At 6:40ish though, my cell phone rang. Nothing good can come from a cell phone call before 7:00 am. Nothing. Never. Period.

It was a co-worker telling me she and her kid were sick. She and her kid were staying home in bed. Her and her kid were not coming in to work today.

Okay...... It's not a normal day for her kid to come to the office, but I just had one of those gut feelings that something would be off today, something amiss and by crikey I think this did it! LOL

Since I was dressed and good to go, I took MWH to school early and got to the office early to open files and get ahead before all hell broke loose. It was a good plan, but damn, it didn't work. I was three steps behind all day. By noon I was exhausted and broken. My stride and spirit were so broken and beat.

I don't think it was just me either, the First Bitch was a little off kilter today too. I'm guessing it was just a normal Monday really, but damn, some Mondays just kick your ass!!

Thank GOD there is only 1 Monday in each week! I don't think I could handle two in the same week!

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