Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nausea, Mecca and Accomplishments! Oh, my!


It's amazing to me how hypocritical some people are. You back stab, lie, manipulate, spread hate and yet still find the time to visit vacation bible school, Sunday services and or church camp and fill that empty, cold, lifeless heart of yours with God's word and receive His forgiveness. Amazing that you still know how to ask for forgiveness. Who am I kidding?!?!?!?! You've had years of practice, how dare I think you'd get it right! hahahaaaaaaaa Shame on me, folks, shame on me!


I have found the Red Box. It is divine. I can walk up to it and find what I want. There is no attitude, no gum chewing, lip peirced, pink-haired, eye rolling, sarcastic ass asking me to verify my mother's maiden name.


I am OK with the fact that I'm the mother of a FRESHMAN. That's an amazing accomplishment. Tomorrow will be the first day of school and I'm dreading it but I think I'll survive. I think.................


cruella said...

hooray, we got passed "the men" was the first still alive?

Christi said...

Once again you are cracking me up. I love reading your blog!

ellie said...

Great site! for people who experience nausea and have no clue on
how to stop morning sickness. i hope this will help!